Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2544: Bizarre death

Chapter 2544 Bizarre Death

There are no more murals on the second floor, it's all rooms.

Di Lingtian, Jun Mohuang and Zi Shuilan opened the first room, and there was light leaking out of the room.

This room is spacious and luxuriously decorated.

The walls outside the room are inlaid with various gems, and the style of gold leaf decoration is really in line with the exaggerated character of the Protoss.

Various gems and gold leaf complement each other to form a treasure.

However, none of the three people's eyes were on these decorations, and they were firmly attracted by the two in the room.

Those were two protoss, with twisted bodies and crazy expressions, extremely abnormal.

The two lay on the snow-white carpet, each holding a weapon in each hand and piercing the other's heart.

The blood stains of Datan are spreading on the snow-white carpet, almost dyeing the entire carpet red.

If it were not for the white edges around the carpet, no one would recognize the original color of the carpet.

Over time, the red blood has become black.

The two protoss had no life and had already died.

The bodies of the two of them were the same as Di Yize, and there was no sign of corruption.

Those two pairs of golden eyes had already lost the light of the past.

The two protoss crippled each other to death, their expressions were distorted and crazy, and they were not normal at all.

A trace of doubt flashed in Jun Mohuang's eyes, why these two **** races killed each other.

Women, cultivation resources, rights, status?

She thinks neither is possible.

Conferring the gods is extremely difficult. The protoss cherish their lives and are very united within.

Unless there is a very special situation, he will not kill his opponent and take his own life.

There was nothing in the room except for two corpses and flashing decorative objects.

Not even the space rings of the two protoss were found.

The three exchanged glances and continued to move forward.

Two blood-colored threads circling out from the heart of the two Protoss, quietly following them behind them.

The three of them walked forward a few steps, and saw many protoss corpses who had committed suicide in the back rooms.

There is no space ring on the finger of each protoss corpse.

Jun Mohuang couldn't help but frown slightly. She didn't want to make money, but that all the gods didn't have a space ring, which was too unusual.

Reminiscent of Di Yize's crystal coffin plate, there is no space ring, there must be something hidden in it.

Every time Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan pass a corpse of the **** race, a thread of blood will follow them behind.

The blood-colored lines behind the three of them grew more and more, and gradually gathered into a small group.

Even if Jun Mohuang was ignorant or unconscious, he found an abnormality.

I always feel that something is following me, staring at me.

Jun Mohuang pretended not to notice anything unusual, and glanced at Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan from the corner of his eye.

The two handsome faces looked unpredictable, and they couldn't see what they were thinking.

Jun Mohuang didn't even dare to use the secret language, for fear that his feelings were true, and he would startle the snake.

After all, this is the land of the Protoss, and the things behind me don't know how long they have been with her.

At this time, the three of them just finished walking on the second floor.

Di Lingtian stretched out his hand to embrace her, and when he went up to the third floor, Jun Mohuang naturally put his hand in his other hand.

Di Lingtian held her hand, Jun Mohuang began to write in the palm of his hand with his fingertips.

Di Lingtian was aware of what she was going to do for the first time, and with a big hand rolled, all the small movements of her fingers were covered.

(End of this chapter)

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