Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2519: The routine is as deep as the sea

Chapter 2519 The routine is as deep as the sea

Baili Yunsheng was a little worried, "Xiaoxi, let's leave Sister Yaxi there alone, is it really okay?"

Yun Lan said lightly, "If you don't do this, how can Feng Yehan get along with her alone."

Mo Xi smiled slyly, "Yes, that's what I think. Feng Yehan will definitely return with Xiao Ke, and then use a reason that Xiao Ke must never leave to trap her sister."

"I'll go, there are so many routines."

Baili Yunsheng didn't expect to be able to do this at all. No wonder he has always been a single dog because he doesn't understand routines.

Mo Xi and Yun Lan's guess was completely correct.

Two hours later, Feng Yehan walked out of the cave with Mo Xiaoke in his arms. Mo Xiaoke held a special wind elemental spirit crystal in his hand and immediately threw himself into Mo Yaxi's arms.

"Why is this coming out soon."

Mo Yaxi immediately hugged his daughter in his arms.

"This little guy has too strong ability to gather wind elements. As long as he is no more than 300 meters away from the Nausicaa of the Wind, he can enjoy all the benefits of the Nausicaa."

Feng Yehan looked at the two mothers and daughters with gentle and focused eyes.

Mo Yaxi looked down and found that Mo Xiao could be surrounded by a layer of light green wind.

The element of wind came from the cave and continuously gathered on Mo Xiaoke.

Although there is a limit of 300 meters, her daughter is by her side, she is finally relieved.

"Yashi, you are here with Xiao Ke. There is a cave over there that is suitable for the three of us to rest. I'll go and clean it up."

Mo Yaxi saw that Feng Yehan didn't mean to leave at all, and even stayed outside. He couldn't help asking, "You won't go back?"

Feng Yehan gently shook his head, "No."

Nausicaa is rare, and even more rare is the immediate opportunity.

He finally found the opportunity to be alone with Mo Yaxi's mother and daughter. This will go to the Valley of the Wind. He is the number one fool in the world.


Two days later, Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian, and Zi Shuilan arrived at the canyon.

When Jun Mohuang was above the sky, he saw the enchantment covering the canyon.

The three of them landed, Jun Mohuang gently placed his hands in the void, and a thick layer of golden enchantment immediately appeared.

The power of sensing overflowed, and Jun Mohuang sensed the barrier.

"It's the barrier of the Protoss."

In the past few days, she worked with Di Lingtian to study the rune book obtained from Di Yize, and she had gotten a glimpse of the heavenly continent runeway.

"Can it be cracked."

Zi Shuilan didn't know anything about talisman, and was a little depressed when he saw the two discussing talisman.

Why does he have no talent for runes, so that he can have more topics with her.

"Natural energy, it just takes a little thought, it takes about a day."

Jun Mohuang retracted her palm. Fortunately, she had the power of induction, and there was Di Lingtian by her side. Otherwise, even if she had Di Yize's talisman in hand, she would not be able to break it for ten days.

"One day? The Dragon Sovereign breathes."

A weird female voice came, and the tone was full of undisguised mockery.

The girl in white and Luo Chen came hand in hand, and the girl in white was all sneered.

When he met Jun Mohuang, he had completely given up maintaining his previous image in front of Luo Chen.

What a joke, she wants to open this enchantment, but she needs all kinds of elemental spirit crystals as energy support.

Two days have passed since the famous spirit races set out to find the elemental spirit crystals, and there was no shadow yet.

Jun Mohuang does not have as many people as her, and it is two days late, so why she thinks she can open it in one day.

Luo Chen also had a disapproving expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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