Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2482: Do not accept this explanation

Chapter 2482 does not accept this explanation

There are a lot of aura spar near where they are mining crystal ore, which can store a lot of aura.

Spirit Devouring Valley never only swallows the aura of living creatures, only the aura of living creatures.

This is also the reason why Emperor Yize built the tomb here, to prevent anyone or the Warcraft Club from coming to disturb him.

Like the Spirit Crystal, which can store aura spar, Spirit Devouring Valley will not absorb the aura in the spar.

At this time, Jun Mohuang heard cheers erupting in the distance.

With a light smile, it seemed that Feng Yunqi had discovered that he could steal the spiritual energy of the Spirit Valley and found the spiritual spar.

"Wait, Ling Tian, ​​you can understand the words of the Protoss!"

The joy in Jun Mohuang's heart lasted for two seconds, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and a very serious fact was suddenly discovered.

Di Lingtian nodded: "Well, my mother taught me."

"Very well, who lied to me before he didn't understand what this meant!"

Jun Mohuang took out a piece of paper from the spatial ring, poked the five characters forward with his slender and soft white fingers, and looked at Di Lingtian angrily.

This piece of paper is exactly what she rubbed off when sealing the old octopus in the seal land of Myrtle and Biling Island.

She had never figured out what these five words meant, but only when she encountered another gold swallowing beast in the holy pond a few days ago she completely figured it out.

"Huang'er, you didn't even have a spiritual realm at that time, so it's not suitable to know about the gods."

Di Lingtian did know what was written on it at the time, but chose not to tell her on purpose.

"Then you can't just lie to me and say you don't know!"

Jun Mohuang looked at Di Lingtian with resentment, knowing that she didn't say it deliberately, which made her look through many library buildings in order to figure out these five words.

"Huang'er, if I told you then I knew, but I can't tell you now, I'm afraid the situation will be worse."

When Di Lingtian saw her frying hair, the corners of her lips lightly hooked, and he reached out and rubbed her long hair.

With Jun Mohuang's strong curiosity, he would definitely pester him to ask this question as soon as they meet.

At that time, his dark wounds did not recover, nor did the portal of Nine Nether Realm.

The time spent on each trip to Cangyuan Continent is very precious, and Di Lingtian didn't want to waste the time between the two on this matter.

"Huh, I don't accept this explanation."

Jun Mohuang turned away and snorted softly.

"be good."

Di Lingtian placed the big palm on the back of her head, pulled her over, and bowed her head.

Just as the two were approaching infinitely, a loud cry broke the atmosphere.

"Help, girl, you help it!"

Holding a small bowl in his hand, the Golden Swallowing Beast jumped up to Jun Mohuang.

It looked anxious, and didn't even notice that the whole body's aura was completely swallowed when it jumped into the Spirit Devouring Valley.

Good things were planned, Di Lingtian's lips stayed slightly, and a pair of blood eyes stared at the Gold Swallowing Beast, exuding boundless coldness.

The Golden Swallowing Beast shivered while holding the small bowl.

All intent on finding Jun Mohuang quickly, let her heal the Jiuyuan Electric Eel.

Didn't notice that Di Lingtian was there, the two people were still alone.

The Golden Swallowing Beast wailed in its heart, still under pressure, placed the small bowl held in its paws in front of Jun Mohuang.

"Girl, trouble you to save it, I will pay you."

Jun Mohuang looked down, and there was some water in the small bowl, and a small silver fish the size of a thumb was lying in the bowl.

The head was full of blood, dying.

"Such a cute little thing, who bullied it into this way."

Jun Mohuang took the small bowl in his hand and gently touched the silver fish with his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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