Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2480: Talent: simple mind, well-developed limbs

Chapter 2480 Talent: Simple mind, well-developed limbs

His face was full of joy.

In this world, there is nothing better than Jun Mohuang returning safely, and they have discovered the double surprise of high-quality training resources.

Jun Mohuang praised: "That's right, you don't have aura, and you found a spar mine so soon."

"Hehe, we all don't have aura, and the efficiency of mining is too slow."

Feng Yunqi and others were praised by Jun Mohuang, which was sweeter than eating honey.

"Emperor, you must have a way to restore our aura, right?"

Feng Yunqi smiled flatteringly at Di Lingtian.

Only when the aura is restored can it be mined with the highest efficiency.

Otherwise, they are here and will not be able to finish mining for a year.

"The aura of the deity and Huang'er, the deity naturally has a way. The aura of everyone else wants to return, and it is all placed on Feng Yunqi."

"Huang'er is tired, the deity wants to take her down to rest."

Di Lingtian smiled indifferently, abandoning these words, and left with Jun Mohuang's hand.

"Wow, Brother Yun Qi, it turns out you have a way, just say it, tell it, what the **** is it!"

"Brother Yun Qi, hurry up and help us restore the aura. Without the aura, we feel uncomfortable. After mining two large spars, my back hurts."

Di Lingtian and Jun Mohuang were gone, everyone flocked to surround Feng Yunqi.

"I don't know how to restore your aura!"

Feng Yunqi was overwhelmed by everyone's words.

"Di Zun, Di Zun, give me some more hints, I really don't know what to do!"

"Use your brain." Di Lingtian faintly voiced.

"Okay, okay, everyone be quiet, I still don't have any good solutions, you give me some space, let me use my brain."

With the blessing of Di Lingtian's words, Feng Yunqi was finally purified temporarily.

He walked to a corner and began to think about what Di Lingtian's words with his head meant, and how he would use his brain to solve the problem of recovery of everyone's spiritual energy.

Zi Shuilan watched Emperor Lingtian holding Jun Mohuang's hand away, and seeing her safe and sound, a touch of sourness rose in his heart while relaxing.

After the reunion, over time, he found it difficult to intervene between the two.

Anyway, it's good to be by her side.

He will let her see that she is sincere.

Everyone dispersed, all invested in mining spar veins, and everyone was enthusiastic.

Feng Yunqi was still hiding in a corner, constantly using his mind.

After an hour of brainstorming, the sky was bright, Feng Yunqi's brain was about to explode, and there was nothing to gain.

"Is my brain so stupid, alas!"

Feng Yunqi held a splitting head, and even he began to despise himself.

"It would be great if the little monkey was there, he might be able to think of a way faster than me."

Feng Yunqi was saddened to discover that he actually pinned his hopes on his spiritual power.

Spiritual power is smarter than himself, is there anything more desperate in this world?

Unfortunately, his aura was swallowed up by Spirit Devouring Valley. Aura is needed to summon aura, this trick is useless.

By the way, Lingshi, my talent!

Feng Yunqi suddenly flashed a flash of light in his brain and slammed his forehead.

He is so stupid, how can he forget this!

His talent, his talent is to steal the aura of others.

This kind of talent does not need to use any aura.

Even if Wu Qianyong's talent is simple-minded and well-developed limbs.

(End of this chapter)

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