Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2478: The poorest superior

Chapter 2478 The poorest master

"Come on, Huang'er, let's see if my biological father left anything good for him."

Emperor Lingtian took her and began to visit the tomb of Emperor Yize.

The emperor regarded Zegui as the king of runes, but the tomb was very simple.

There is only one tomb path, the cave they walked through.

Both of them have carefully read the runes and murals carved in the tomb passage.

There is only one tomb, and this is where the two of them are.

Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian looked around and said that the entire tomb was empty and there was no burial object.

There are bare stone walls everywhere, and you can catch anything at a glance.

The two of them checked the four walls, the floor, and the top dome with spells, and there really was nothing.

Finally, Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian returned to the crystal coffin again.

Emperor Yize was the poorest high-ranking person Jun Mohuang had ever seen. As the king of runes, he didn't even have a book on runes in the tomb.

The slender fingers are clean, and there is no space ring.

Jun Mohuang took a closer look and found that something seemed to be pressing under the sleeves of Emperor Yize.

Jun Mohuang looked at Di Lingtian, and Di Lingtian nodded lightly, making seals on her hands and using the technique of taking things out of the air to take things out.

Fortunately, she can use supernatural powers, otherwise she would have to lift the coffin board.

Among the things Jun Mohuang took out, there were only two pieces of paper.

On the first piece of paper is a map of the holy pool, with some cultivation resources marked on it.

There are three places, emphatically marked with a red X symbol.

Jun Mohuang saw that there was a place where she and Di Lingtian were now.

There are two other places, one is marked with a text beside the red X symbol, Jun Mohuang doesn't know it, it is the text of the gods.

There are three red question marks beside the last red X symbol.

Obviously, Di Yize himself didn't know what it was here.

Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian looked at the second piece of paper.

The second piece of paper is a piece of rune paper, and the dark lines at the bottom of the paper are all runes.

As long as you write well on this kind of paper and light it up with aura, the talisman paper will automatically fly into the recipient's hands.

The efficiency of the talisman paper to convey information is much lower than that of the sound transmission jade talisman, but it is very suitable for people who, for some reason, dare not speak directly.

For example, confess to a crush.

When Jun Mohuang saw this piece of talisman, he couldn't wait to see clearly what was written on it.

When she opened it, she was dumbfounded.

Above, there are only a few words, which are still Protoss words she doesn't know.

The rest of the paper is full of blood.

Over the years, the blood stains of blood have all turned jet black.

"This is a letter he wanted to give to his mother before he died. He just wrote a few words and died."

Di Lingtian held this talisman paper, his **** eyes surged.

Jun Mohuang suddenly didn't know what to say to comfort him.

She stretched out her hands and hugged Di Lingtian.

"Ling Tian, ​​no matter what, I will be with you."

"Let's go, Huang'er, there is nothing left here."

Di Lingtian stretched out his hand to rub her in his arms, and stamped a light kiss on her forehead.

Spirit Devouring Valley.

The sky has revealed a hint of whiteness.

Feng Yunqi and the others found clues to leave while waiting for Jun Mohuang to come out.

During this period, they discovered a vein of white spar.

Feng Yunqi and Wu Qianyong immediately recognized that this spar was exactly the same as the spar in the Long Family's secret realm. They also used this white spar to pretend to be an ordinary spirit race and smoothly blend into the heavenly spirit world.

(End of this chapter)

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