Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2474: The Secret of the Fall of the Protoss

Chapter 2474 The secret of the fall of the gods

How the prehistoric beasts live is not a matter of concern to the protoss, they only know to use all means to maintain their status and strength.

Jun Mohuang saw this, the mural was cut here, and she retracted her finger touching the mural.

It was Di Lingtian's father, Di Yize, who sealed the Golden Swallowing Beast and Old Turtle to Cangyuan Continent.

He is the king of runes.

In this world, the fittest survives, the strong is the king, and all the gods and runes do to the prehistoric giant beasts conform to this rule.

But when I thought of the encounter between the golden girl and the old turtle, and then of the frescoes about the unprovoked actions and **** scenes of the Protoss killing the behemoths, Jun Mohuang still felt a little angry.

No wonder the gold swallowing beast she encountered in the underground palace was so small.

After being imprisoned by the Protoss, it could not absorb the vitality of heaven and earth for cultivation, and its strength and size began to regress significantly.

It's no wonder that when my mother and old turtle saw her, they couldn't wait to recognize the Lord.

They have been sealed for tens of thousands of years, and even their memories in the celestial valley have been wiped out with the passage of time, and they have an instinctive desire for freedom.

Di Lingtian squeezed her little hand, holding her hand and continuing to walk forward.

The mural was interrupted, and the stone wall in front was rough and messy, as if it had never been polished, and it was as if the mural was forcibly erased after being carved up.

After Jun Mohuang walked through a blank area of ​​tens of meters, frescoes began to appear in front of him.

She put her finger on the mural again, and countless images poured into her divine consciousness.

The year recorded by the reappearing mural is already fifty thousand years later.

The origin crystal suddenly changed from black to gold for some reason, and there was only one remaining origin crystal spar vein.

The number of protoss and runes has dropped drastically, leaving less than a hundred.

Other races on the mid-plane no longer believe in the gods and no longer provide the power of light.

Among the five major races, the Celestial race developed the worst, and was forced to survive by the other four races.

The Protoss brought the Celestial Clan people back to the Celestial Continent.

The Celestial race split into the Bai and Hei races.

The Bai people became the servants of the gods, and the Hei people became the servants of the runes.

Protoss and runes who originally came from the same origin, somehow, suddenly became enemies.

There are constant battles between the gods and the runes, and the runes have begun to destroy the gods as their own responsibility.

In the last mural, all the records are the war between the two sides.

The one Jun Mohuang saw in the ancient battlefield was just one of them.

To the end of the mural, there are smooth stone walls in front.

There is no explanation in the mural, and Jun Mohuang can also guess the cause of the final fall of the Protoss.

Protoss and runes are too dependent on heaven and earth vitality and the crystal of origin, and when both of them are constantly fighting, both are very rare.

Even if there is no war between the two sides, the weather vitality and the crystal of origin will be exhausted sooner or later.

Protoss will fall sooner or later.

"Unexpectedly, the Protoss is immortal, immortal, and omnipotent. It needs to rely on the crystal of origin and the vitality of heaven and earth to support it."

Jun Mohuang sighed slightly.

Also, just like ordinary cultivators, after practicing to the Yuanhuang Yuansheng, they also need spiritual energy to maintain them, not to mention the gods.

"Naturally, in this world, there is no benefit for nothing."

Di Lingtian led her and continued to move forward.

"However, there is no record of why the crystal of the origin changed from black to gold."

(End of this chapter)

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