Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2451: Great behemoth, nine yuan electric eel

Chapter 2451, the wild beast, the nine yuan electric eel

The effect of the pill quickly travels through his meridians, and the spiritual energy in the river nourishes every inch of meridians.

The girl in white stayed on the shore for a while, and the high priest returned.

The high priest has cleaned up directly, which means that the robe of the priest of light has also returned to white.

The girl in white did not see, nor could she see, black spots the size of rice grains had appeared on the high priest's face and hands.

The high priest was wrapped in a layer of magical power, and even Luo Chen couldn't see through it.

After the Golden Swallowing Beast was thrown away by Emperor Lingtian, he turned his head and followed Luo Chen.

Luo Chen and the white-clothed girl are in the same group, and the white-clothed girl is a descendant of the gods, and the enemy of their prehistoric giant beasts.

After many years of encountering an enemy, the Golden Swallowing Beast's heart is tickled with hatred, and it has to do something for it to feel comfortable.

Even after Luo Chen was injured, it could not beat Luo Chen.

The Gold Swallowing Beast surreptitiously tracked it. It was a predominant beast from a young age, and its ability was extraordinary, so naturally there was a way to hide it from Luo Chen's sense of consciousness.

After seeing Luo Chen entering the river, he had an idea in his heart.

The gold swallowing beast walked away from the river and came to a secluded place. Its two front paws were pressed on the ground and hit the ground in a specific way.

After ten seconds, the ground vibrated slightly, cracked, a stream of spring water gushed out of the cracks in the ground, and a small silver fish wandered in the spring water.

When the little fish saw the gold swallowing beast, he opened his mouth and greeted lazily.

"It's you, Golden Swallowing Beast, what's the matter with me."

"Listen, Little Eel, there are now three people in your river, one of whom is a descendant of the gods."

"The man in the lead is in the water. He has a close relationship with the descendants of the **** race, and we must teach him a lesson." The golden swallowing beast's tone was urgent.

Don't underestimate this little silver fish in front of you. It is a nine-element thunder eel, born with thunder and lightning.

In its waters, a sneak attack on Luo Chen, a lesson from Luo Chen, is definitely not a problem.

"There are really only three, not thirty."

Nine Yuan Thunder Eel is cautious, its only shortcoming is that it is very afraid of people or scenes with many monsters.

Even if six unpowered people stood in front of it, it would be frightened and panicked and fled in a hurry.

"Yes, there are really only three. If you do me this favor, I'll take you to meet someone, and she understands the power of the thunder element just by seeing the thunder elemental attack sent by others."

Jiuyuan Thunder Eel looked incredulous, "Is there such a genius in this world?"

"Really, it's no good for me to lie to you."

The Gold Swallowing Beast said in a guaranteed tone, it knew that the Nine Yuan Thunder Eel had no resistance to things related to the Thunder Element.

"Well, I'll help you with that. I hope you can do what you say."

After thinking about it for a few seconds, the Nine Yuan Thunder Eel responded.

The Golden Swallowing Beast said: "Don't worry, there is no problem."

The two negotiated, the nine-yuan thunder eel disappeared, and the ground recovered as before.

The gold swallowing beast returned to the river and hid in a corner secretly, waiting for the good show to take place.

After a short while, the Gold Swallowing Beast sensed that there was the breath of a wild beast coming from the bottom of the river.

This kind of breath can be sensed by the behemoths.

The gold swallowing beast widened his eyes, holding his breath peacefully.

At the bottom of the river, the nine yuan thunder eel that didn't even have a palm wandered among the water plants. It found that there were only three people here, and it was greatly relieved.

Very well, the Gold Swallowing Beast did not lie to it.

(End of this chapter)

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