Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2441: Ling Tian, ​​here you are

Chapter 2441 Ling Tian, ​​here you are

Jun Mohuang was obsessed with prying into the mystery of thunder elemental attacks, and was completely unaware that he was in great danger.

"Girl, hide away!"

Seeing this scene, the golden swallowing beast was so scared that both eyes fell out.

The patriarch Yuan and others also forgot to attack the gold swallowing beast and rescue the high priest.

They all screamed in their hearts, the priest, hurry and hide!

Luo Chen's strongest attack was not a joke.

The happiest people present were the high priest, the girl in white and Luo Chen.

Humph, this woman is bold and reckless, really thinking that she can withstand the thunder element attack, even if she is a demigod, she has to be disabled

What are you kidding about, Luo Chen's thunder element attack, even Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan had to deal with it carefully when they met.

Jun Mohuang would stand there motionless, he must have been frightened by Luo Chen's thunder element attack.

At this time, Luo Chen's lightning element attack was only ten meters away from Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang Yiran was drawing the pattern of thunder element attack through the gold line in the divine consciousness through her eyes, and she was only a little bit close to completing it.

Jun Mohuang has just completed the pattern of the lightning element attack, and the lightning element attack is only three meters away from her.

When she recovered, the lightning elemental attack was already in front of her, and it was too late for Jieyin to teleport away.

Jun Mohuang's heart suddenly jumped, no, she was fascinated just now, and she had a wrong estimate of the time needed to escape.

In an emergency, someone wrapped her around her waist and hurried back.

A round blood-colored full moon rose from the void, carrying a **** moonlight, and quickly flew to Jun Mohuang to block the purple light cluster for her.

The blood moon collided with the purple light group, and the purple light and red light quickly exploded after fusion.

There was a loud noise, shaking everyone's eardrums and heart.

Many people are dizzy, have gold stars in their eyes, lip corners, ears and nose bleeding, and they are directly overturned by this air wave.

Despite their physical discomfort, they immediately got up, and even had time to take the pill.

Each created a body protection barrier at the fastest speed, summoned everything that could carry him to fly, and fled upwards.

There was no other reason. The entire underground palace was directly collapsed by the terrifying energy erupting from the collision between the purple lightning element and the blood moon.

Countless rubble fell from space.

They were already injured. If they don't leave soon, they will definitely be buried here.

In the midst of countless broken rocks flying around, the person behind him took the lead and flew out with Jun Mohuang.

Everything that happened just now was shown in Jun Mohuang's eyes like slow motion, and everything seemed a little unreal.

Jun Mohuang turned around subconsciously and faced a pair of blood-like eyes, with anger burning in those eyes.

The deep and handsome face was icy cold.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are here."

Jun Mohuang smiled sweetly and stretched out his hand to hug his neck.

The anger in Di Lingtian's eyes and the coldness on his face were definitely not directed at her, she was not afraid at all.

Di Lingtian glanced down at her, without saying anything, directly stretched out his hand and hit her on the hip.

"Ah, Ling Tian, ​​what are you doing!"

Jun Mohuang cried out in pain, and immediately covered the attacked part. Under Di Lingtian's strength, he would have been beaten red when he went down.

Behind Di Lingtian, the Golden Swallowing Beast covered its eyes with its two front paws.

Oops, not suitable for children, not suitable for children.

Uh, no, he doesn't seem to be a kid anymore.

"Huang'er, you still know the pain, it will be with you and settle the account later."

(End of this chapter)

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