Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2438: This is what a toad should look like

Chapter 2438 This is what the toad should look like

The Protoss is a group of despicable and shameless people who used to rob the land and cultivation resources belonging to the behemoths, and now the descendant of the Protoss of the white girl is the same, snatching the golden lotus petals from the girl is extremely disgusting.

"Girl, don't be afraid, I'll help you!"

The gold-swallowing beast's swollen eyes were almost protruding from the eye sockets, and it took the initiative to stand in front of Jun Mohuang and fight alongside her.

Unfortunately, the Golden Swallowing Beast was too small, only half a person tall.

The underground palace was where he was imprisoned, and the strength of the gold swallowing beast was directly suppressed by the mysterious energy of the underground palace.

The words that helped Jun Mohuang were said, the deterrence was greatly reduced.

"Huh, it's funny, this year, a toad is also qualified to stand up and provoke our Lord, it's really funny!"

The high priest glanced at the Golden Swallowing Beast disdainfully, and first made a harsh laugh.

The chief of the Yuan clan and the ministers of the spirit clan looked at the gold swallowing beast, but did not respond.

The qi and blood in their bodies are pouring fiercely now, and the search that consumes spiritual energy and mental power just now aggravates the injuries in the body, and blood will be vomited under one mouth.

The patriarch of Yuan and the others can only take care of it now, and have no intention to laugh at the gold swallowing beast.

However, they were a little worried about Jun Mohuang in their hearts.

She is the woman of Di Lingtian, but she also saved the lives of their wife and future children.

"You! Bold!"

The golden swallowing beast was so angry that the golden skin all over it turned red. It was a noble gold swallowing beast, not a toad.

No one has ever dared to insult him like this, even the Protoss back then, this old man is such a thing!

In a rage, the gold swallowing beast opened its mouth.

Everyone only saw a red light flashing in the air, the high priest screamed, and the whole person flew up uncontrollably and fell in front of the gold swallowing beast.

"Master, I am an incomparably honorable swallow... Well, Jin Chan, stare at your dog to see clearly!"

The gold swallowing beast stretched out its tongue and directly rolled the high priest over.

One hind leg supports the body, the other hind leg steps on the chest of the high priest, and the two front legs are used together to open the eyes of the high priest and help him see clearly.

In a hurry, it almost revealed its identity in public.

Fortunately, Jun Mohuang patted it on the back lightly in time, and the Gold Swallowing Beast was somewhat restrained.

What a fast speed!

Luo Chen and all the spirit races noticed the speed of the gold swallowing beast.

The high priest stood beside Luo Chen, able to scoop people away from under Luo Chen's eyelids. This seemingly humble gold swallowing beast had two brushes.

Luo Chen's deep black eyes narrowed slightly.

Jun Mohuang and Tunjin have fought, and they are naturally not surprised at how fast it is.

She stood aside with great interest and directly watched the show.

"Your Majesty, save your subordinates, save your subordinates!"

When the high priest was stepped on by the gold swallowing beast, it was difficult to breathe, and his eyes were almost torn apart. The old face was directly wrinkled into a ball, extremely embarrassed.

"Master, my golden skin is extremely smooth, where it is pitted like a toad. It seems that you don't know what a toad is like. My grandpa will open your eyes today!"

As the Golden Swallowing Beast said, a stream of water came out of its mouth, showering the high priest's face.

On the high priest's face, hands and other skin parts, pustules grew densely, making the scalp numb.

Now, the high priest really becomes a

"You see, the way you are now is what a toad should look like!"

(End of this chapter)

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