Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2423: Sneak attack without consent

Chapter 2423 Sneak attack without consent

"Key? So I must collect nine petals of lotus petals."

Jun Mohuang was stunned for two seconds.

At that time, the golden lotus that was enclosing Huang Jing flew out of nine petals, one petal entered her forehead, and the two petals were obtained by the white-clothed girl.

The petal in her hand was transformed by the phantom of the petal in her forehead.

The place where the phoenix crystals are stored in the holy pool must be tightly guarded, and these lotus petals are proof of entry.

"That's not necessary. You only need to gather seven petals. Two of them are redundant."

Di Ling's voice was deep and mellow, holding her little hand and whispering gently.

"The extra is the two petals of the girl in white."

Jun Mohuang's eyes flowed, his pupils turned bloody, and the waves of his eyes firmly attracted Di Lingtian's gaze.

"Not bad."

Di Ling Tian's eyes gradually darkened, and while Jun Mohuang was thinking about something, he clasped her small hands tightly.

Jun Mohuang was puzzled, "Why does this happen."

"Huang'er, kiss me and I'll tell you."

Di Lingtian's eyes were deep, staring at her intently, touching her forehead, very intimate.

His breath turned directly into hers.

"You! Di Lingtian..."

Jun Mohuang was annoyed, and before he knew it, Di Lingtian had already held both of her hands.

Now, she can't move the line of rules, nor can she use power spells with seals.

She can't escape him.

Di Lingtian moved forward slightly and lowered her head to stop her from speaking.

For a long time, Di Ling genius let her go.

Jun Mohuang's small face was hot, he was breathing the fresh air with big mouthfuls, breathless, and his beautiful **** eyes glared at Di Lingtian.

Di Lingtian unexpectedly carried out a sneak attack without her consent, and what was even more frightening was that she was still recalling this feeling in her heart.

Not only was Jun Mohuang obsessed with this, he hadn't been like this for a long time, but Di Lingtian's body was surging with blood, causing internal injuries.

He couldn't help it anymore, a thread of blood spilled along his lips.

Jun Mohuang was about to get angry, but saw the blood on the corners of his lips.

"Di Lingtian, what's going on, how can you get hurt!"

The anger in Jun Mohuang's heart immediately disappeared without a trace. She broke free from his hand and probed his body with the power of induction.

Upon investigation, she discovered that Di Lingtian had suffered internal injuries, and the time of injury was a day and a half ago.

Obviously, Di Lingtian lied to her just now.

After she was in a coma, the ancient battlefield was not as simple as sending them out.

"Di Lingtian, you are too messy, you have been injured for so long, why don't you take the pill."

When Jun Mohuang said this, she suddenly stopped.

Di Lingtian has not been taking pills, and is worried about her eyes.

He was wounded by the attack in the ancient battlefield, and the attacks of the Protoss and the runes were not trivial.

His internal injuries were not serious, but not minor. Even if he took the lower **** level medicine, he still had to meditate and practice, so there would be no time to take care of her.

Unless you take her golden spiritual spring directly, you can practice without meditation.

Jun Mohuang's heart moved, his eyes were sour.

During this process, Di Lingtian had been watching her deeply and intently.

"It's time to take medicine."

Jun Mohuang didn't look at him, but the movement in his hand was extremely gentle, wiping the blood from his lips.

From the space ring, he took out two golden elixirs with golden spirit spring and handed them to Di Lingtian's lips.

Di Lingtian opened his perfect thin lips slightly, swallowing the pill, but did not let go of her fingers.

A soft touch came from the fingertips, and a small current flowed from the fingertips to the bottom of my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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