Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2400: Unfortunately he is not normal

Chapter 2400 Unfortunately, he is not normal


After falling into the holy pool, the girl in white did not land on the crystal body of the pool water like others did.

That is the outermost periphery of the holy pool, and is the protective layer of the holy pool.

She possesses the crystal of origin in her body and can directly reach the deepest part of the holy pond.

She plunged directly into the white lake water, using all the spiritual energy in her body, urging her to fall directly to the deepest part of the holy pond at the fastest speed, even the wound made by Jun Mohuang in her abdomen didn't care.

The white pool of water soaked her wound, causing another pain.

The girl in white gritted her teeth and tried her best to resist the pain.

As long as she reaches the deepest part of the holy pond and reaches her birthplace, even if Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan join forces, she will be safe.

This belief supported the girl in white clothes continuously falling in the white pool water, and blisters were constantly spitting out from her mouth.

Almost, soon, she has already completed a third of the distance.

The girl in white rushed to the depths of the holy pond with a heart full of heart, she was completely defenseless against other dangers.

In the most central part of the holy pond, besides her, it is impossible for anyone to come here directly.

Unless it is a **** race, all the gods have fallen, and it is even more absurd for the gods to come here than Jun Mohuang directly broke in.

The white-clothed girl was falling rapidly, without noticing it at all, a white light broke through the pool of water and hurried towards her.

In a burst of dizziness, the girl in white was hit by white light.

She hadn't figured out what happened, and she was dizzy. She was thrown fiercely by a force and flew out of the pool into the air.

After crossing a parabola in the air, it was thrown to the shore again.


The petite body violently collided with the solid ground, and the white-clothed girl rolled on the ground seven or eight times before stabilizing her body, her whole body covered with mud and grass clippings.

A pair of white satin men's boots appeared in front of her.

There is no trace of dye on the pure white boots, and two lifelike golden dragons are flying in the air.

The girl in white was overjoyed, the white boots were Luo Chen, and there was a soft smile on her lips that made people feel sorry.

"Brother Chen..."

The white-clothed girl looked up while calling sweetly.

At one glance, she was immediately stunned and speechless.

The person in front of him is not Luo Chen at all.

Di Lingtian was dressed in white, looking at her condescendingly, her golden eyes gleaming with cold light, causing her to tremble all over.

"Luo Chen, hum."

He looked at her with extreme disdain, like looking at an ant.

The white-clothed girl remembered that Di Lingtian had stayed beside her for the sake of the woman Mo Huang treated her imaginarily, propped on the ground with her hands, and couldn't help backing away.

She had never seen Di Lingtian in white, nor had she seen him in Jin Mou.

The abnormality of Emperor Lingtian made the white-clothed girl extremely scared.

Seeing her intention to escape, Di Lingtian sneered, raised his foot, and slammed on the girl's ankle in white.


The white-clothed girl let out a terrible scream, and she could clearly hear the clicking sound coming from the ankle.

Her ankles had been conservatively damaged in Jun Mohuang's hands, but when suddenly came this way, the girl in white only felt that her feet were no longer hers.

The line of tears cleared, sliding down her beautiful face, arousing pity.

The girl in white now looks like this, as long as a normal man looks at her, she can't help but pity her.

Unfortunately, this does not include the person in front of him.

"This hurts. When you take away her crystal of origin, why don't you think that she will suffer thousands of times than you."

(End of this chapter)

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