Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2397: Luo Chen

Chapter 2397 The Green Luo Chen

It's ridiculous, as a descendant of the **** race, Huang'er is so noble and holy, how could he be born into a dirty mixed-race woman.

When Luo Chen thought of this, he looked at Jun Mohuang with his eyes, and was stung by the golden phoenix feather mark on her forehead.

Once, this was the mark that Huang'er had on her forehead, but it was taken away by this woman.

Even if she has the golden phoenix feather mark, she can't be the real phoenix!

"Fengshen? It seems that the gods do not understand the holy pond. Who will have the last laugh during this trip to the holy pond, we will wait and see."

Zi Shuilan twitched the corners of her lips, and a touch of mockery appeared on her charming and charming face.

Luo Chen's guess was completely wrong, but he did not intend to correct Luo Chen's mistakes.

Luo Chen glanced at the people on Jun Mohuang's side. Except for the crowds on Jun Mohuang's side, Zi Shuilan and Di Lingtian didn't bring anyone.

Luo Chen knew in his heart that these two people were so powerful that they didn't need to bring any subordinates.

However, the two subordinates did not enter the holy pond, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

As soon as Luo Chen let go of his breath, two golden lights broke through the air, turning into two golden jade pendants, hovering in front of Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian.

Jun Mohuang grabbed the golden jade pendant in front of him with one hand and immediately knew what the golden jade pendant was.

She looked at Luo Chen, opened her palms, revealed the invitation order, and suddenly showed a mocking smile.

"Hey, the invitation of Di Lingtian and I made it too late."

Luo Chen's handsome facial features suddenly twisted slightly.

This is the invitation he personally issued to Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

At that time, he sent directly to the Heavenly Dragon Realm and the Nine Nether Realms.

Why did the two of them receive it so late? It was because they were not in the Heavenly Dragon Realm and the Nine Nether Realms.

The two invitation orders reached the designated location and no one could be found, so they followed the two people's location and flew.

Fortunately, Jun Mohuang said that she has half the blood of the spirit race, and as the dragon king with the dragon blood scepter, there is always a way to blend into the heavenly spirit world and to blend into the spiritual capital as a priest of light.

But Di Lingtian didn't receive his invitation, how exactly did he come to the heavenly spirit world, to the spiritual capital.

Di Lingtian is a demon race, no one let him in, he may enter the heavenly spirit world.

And the only person who could put Emperor Lingtian into the spiritual capital, except himself, was the girl in white.

No, it's impossible, Huang'er would not do this!

"Congratulations, you are right. Your Huang'er has been with Di Lingtian before. Without Di Lingtian's help, how could I fall into her hands."

Jun Mohuang saw Luo Chen's gradually turning blue face, his eyes filled with joy.

Luo Chen's face was already black.

He wanted to deny everything Jun Mohuang said, but he had to admit that what she said was true, otherwise Di Lingtian would not be able to enter the spiritual capital before receiving the invitation order.

He finally knew what Jun Mohuang meant when he said that an African savannah above his head.

The spirit races behind Luo Chen began to look at each other and exchanged glances silently.

After all, they were watching Di Lingtian and the white-clothed girl's Luanjia walking out of the spiritual palace together.

The monarch priest really did not lie.

The thought of the white-clothed girl actually putting the Devil Emperor of the Nine Nether Realm into the Spirit Palace during the time when the **** was not in the spiritual capital, the spirit race suddenly felt annoyed.

The queen of their gods is so ignorant of what to do, and Jun Fei loves her so much!

Jun Mohuang directly exposed the white-clothed girl and Emperor Lingtian, Luo Chen could no longer stay.

He brushed his sleeves and left immediately.

Today is updated...

Thank you JX-H6, Gejin Peach Blossom Fan, etc. for your rewards.

Durian, keyboard, instant noodles, washboard are all ready, guess who is for this

(End of this chapter)

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