Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2394: I didn't say anything

Chapter 2394 I didn't say anything

Now, Yun Lan is the new emperor of the Eight Fang Profound Realm, and his Yao Xuan is only a subordinate of the leader of the Black Shadow Man.

Now the status of the two is very different.

How could the heart be so high and arrogant as Yaoxuan.

"But..." Ye Xueman was still an uneasy child.

"It's nothing, Sherman, this is our first child, and I have high hopes for him. Sherman, you can't deprive him of his fate as a king in this way."

Yao Xuan tried his best to suppress the impatience in his heart. The Ye Family of the Eight Fang Profound Realm was already finished. Otherwise, he would have no good expressions on her because of the identity of Ye Xueman's Heavenly Talisman.

Yao Xuan pulled Ye Xueman up, immediately left the secret realm, soared into the air, and flew towards the holy pond.

Ten minutes later, the holy pond floating above the spiritual capital began to slowly disappear, and there were still spirit races pouring into the holy pond.

Baili Patriarch and his wife tore apart the void and appeared in a small alley beside Linggong Square.

The two have successfully used the blood of the descendants of the four wealthy families to restore their appearance and strength

After observing in the dark, the two found that there was no one acquaintance present, and they finally felt relieved, spread their wings with great fanfare, and flew towards the holy pond.

The connecting passage between the special space where the holy pool is located and the space where the heavenly spirit world is located is getting smaller and smaller, and five minutes later, two seconds before the connecting passage between the holy pool and the outside world is completely closed, two golden lights quickly enter.

In the next second, the connection channel was completely closed, and the holy pool completely disappeared above the spiritual capital.

In the entire spiritual capital, except for pregnant women like Feng Xiaorou who are really not suitable for entering the holy pool, almost all the spiritual races enter the holy pool.

Feng Xiaorou looked at the sky and the holy pool disappeared. I hope that the priest and husband will be in peace in the holy pool and nothing will happen.

"Sister Yuan, although the priest Jun saved us, but after all, he is the queen of the Nine Nether Realm. Let our husband stand on the priest's side in front of Jun Shang. Is this really okay?"

The ministers and wives who had been rescued by Jun Mohuang came around with their stomachs upright, with fear on their faces.

If it wasn't for Feng Xiaorou that they only agreed to take care of them after everyone had left, they would not dare to demand their husbands like that.

"What's the matter? You have already said this to your husbands. It is too late to regret it."

Feng Xiaorou looked at these worried wives and suddenly smiled.

"Sister Yuan, don't tease us."

All the ladies turned pale in an instant, and some timid ladies even started to feel dizzy while holding their stomachs.

"Think about it for yourself, the queen of gods failed to **** the power of the light source of the emperor priest, the emperor priest caused a miracle, and then think about why the Mo clan was kicked out of the heavenly spirit world, you will know why I want you to do this."

These ministers and wives are not stupid, they immediately understood Feng Xiaorou's words when they turned their minds.

"Sister Yuan is saying... how is this possible!"

The ministers and wives showed extreme consternation, and many of them covered their lips in surprise, not allowing themselves to speak out their guesses.

"I didn't say anything."

Feng Xiaorou smiled faintly and interrupted their conversation.


Holy pool.

Emperor Lingtian, Jun Mohuang and Zi Shuilan quickly fell to the surface of the holy pond.

Jun Mohuang tried to break free of Emperor Lingtian's imprisonment several times, but his imprisonment became even tighter.

A few seconds before completely entering the water, Di Lingtian gently reminded her.

"Huang'er, the moment you enter the holy pool, release all those who want to enter the holy pool in the Phoenix Jade space."

(End of this chapter)

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