Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2390: Must stand on the side of the priest

Chapter 2390 must stand on the side of the priest

When Jun Mohuang broke the holy pool barrier, the battle between Emperor Lingtian and Luo Chen had stopped.

"let me go!"

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand to push Di Lingtian away. She was still engendering the aura of Emperor Lingtian, smelling the familiar aura on him, thinking of what happened before, the instinctive reaction was to escape.

"Huang'er, don't worry, let's wait for Zi Shuilan."

Di Lingtian confined her tighter.

As soon as Di Lingtian's voice fell, a purple light came in an instant, and Zi Shui Lan had arrived.

Di Lingtian embraced Jun Mohuang and plunged into the holy pond with Zi Shuilan.

The huge golden phoenix phantom let out a sweet scream, and after circling a few times in the air, it turned into a golden light, and quickly caught up with Jun Mohuang and sank between her eyebrows.

The other nine golden phoenixes also turned into nine golden lights one after another, and they sank between Jun Mohuang's eyebrows.

Seeing the appearance of the holy pond, the black shadow man's boss showed greed in his eyes. It was great. He didn't expect the two women to make a fuss with each other, and even vacated the holy pond.

That woman is really stupid. The holy pond is the place where everything goes back to the origin. She even opened the holy pond, thinking that it is safe to hide in the holy pond.

In any case, the existence of the holy pond will only benefit him and his master.

The black wings behind the black shadow man's leader shook and flew to the holy pond.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you keep up with this lord!"

When Luo Chen was only a few meters away from the holy pool, he saw the ministers of the spirit tribe standing still in the spirit palace square, shouting with aura.

The spirit races on the main square immediately awoke like a dream.

Yes, they are really fools through and through.

The holy pond is the holy land of the heavenly spirit world, an important relic of the gods, and even Luo Chen cannot open it.

It is filled with the vitality of the weather, and there are countless kinds of heaven, spirit and earth treasures, and maybe you can find the secret of immortality and enshrining the gods.

The aura contained in this little pool in the holy pool is nothing compared to those great benefits in the holy pool.

They can't be blamed, what happened today is too bizarre.

The monarch priest turned out to be the Queen of the Nine Nether World, and the man next to the Queen was the Demon Emperor of the Nine Nether World. The Beast Emperor, who had not been born in the world for thousands of years, suddenly appeared. ...

This pile of things happened one after another, and the interval between them was less than half an hour.

What happened today is too informative to blame for being too stupid.

The chief of the Yuan clan and other ministers immediately spread their wings and responded to Luo Chen's call.

The other spirit races didn't want to miss this opportunity, and they spread their wings to fly to the holy pond.

Clan Chief Yuan was about to rise into the air when his sleeves were suddenly grasped by a pair of soft hands.

Patriarch Yuan turned his head subconsciously and saw the beautiful face of his wife Feng Xiaorou.

"The priest monarch saved my life and my child. She will not be the kind of person the Queen said, but the Queen. She sent the high priest to the spiritual palace elite guards to kill me and the future child. If Not the priest, what you see today is a dead body."

"I don't care if the priest is the queen of the Nine Netherworld, you must stand on the side of the priest when you go to the holy pond, otherwise the letter of divorce is true!"

The movement caused by the power of Jun Mohuang swallowing the white girl's light source was too great, Feng Xiaorou and other ministers' wives contacted Jun Mohuang with a sound transmission jade symbol, but they all decided to take a look.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out of the secret base of the Wind Clan, he heard that the true identity of Jun Mohuang had strengthened the efficacy of the excellent orchid with her, causing the conspiracy of miscarriage among the pregnant women of the Celestial Spirit World.

(End of this chapter)

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