Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2388: She deserves to be the woman he likes

Chapter 2388 is worthy of the woman he likes

She continuously directed the colorful halo to search the white-clothed girl's body. Here is the place where the sea of ​​Qi is located.

The sea of ​​qi is a special space that every cultivator brings. It is naturally isolated from the real world. It takes a lot of twists and turns to find the sea of ​​qi. It can't be found by piercing a dagger into the abdomen.

She must find the connection port between the special space where the air sea of ​​the girl in white clothes is located and the real world, and explore it to retrieve the Phoenix Crystal.

Jun Mohuang kept using the colorful halo to search the abdomen of the girl in white clothes. The pain of this process was no different from being skinned and cramped.

The white-clothed girl put her hope on Luo Chen, but when she saw Luo Chen being besieged by Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan, she was extremely disappointed in her heart.

Luo Chen is not the opponent of these two people.

The Heart of Origin has smashed her Qi Sea out of the cracks, and Jun Mohuang's colorful halo has been found in the direction of the connection port between the Qi Sea and the real world space.

No, she must flee before Jun Mohuang takes out the crystal of origin.

"My lord, please help me!"

The white-clothed girl glanced at both eyes randomly, and placed them on the leader of the black shadow man who had been suspended in the air but chose to watch the battle.

Luo Chen was entangled, and now she could only ask the black shadow man leader.

The leader of the black shadow man turned a deaf ear to the help of the white-clothed girl, his eyes drooping slightly, and he was trying to contact the white-clothed man with his master and servant blood bond.

The holy pond appeared, Luo Chen, Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan were in chaos, such a good opportunity, he had to inform his master.

Where does the black shadow man care about the white girl.

This woman is so useless, it would be good for her to suffer more.

There is a pure white world floating somewhere that is not under the jurisdiction of the five continents.

This special space is not large, it is empty inside, except for the pure white spirit, there is only a huge egg-shaped crystal body.

A man in white slept in it with his eyes closed.

The facial features are profound and beautiful, the temperament is immortal, and the dust is elegant, exactly the same as Di Lingtian, but the temperament is completely opposite.

A colorful bead inlaid on the egg-shaped body, at this time the colorful bead burst into bursts of gorgeous colorful halo, filling the entire special space.

The white-clothed man woke up in this colorful halo, his thick black eyelashes trembling lightly, his golden eyes dazzled the soul.

In the next moment, the white-clothed man walked out of the egg-shaped crystal, stretched out his slender fingers and took the colorful beads into his hand and played with it carefully. A smile appeared on the corners of his thin lips.

He thought it would be a while, but he didn't expect Jun Mohuang to move so fast.

As expected of the woman he was after.

The man in white solemnly put the colorful beads in the placket, close to the heart.

It turned into a white light and disappeared in this special space.

At the same time, Lingdu was above the sky.

The leader of the black shadow man was looking down and praying for the arrival of the white man in secret, no one saw it, a white light flashed away and entered the holy pond.

On the golden phoenix phantom, Jun Mohuang's colorful halo constantly searched for the air of the white-clothed girl.

In order to find Huang Jing as soon as possible, more and more colorful halos poured in.

The crystal of the origin in the sea of ​​Qi hits more violently, and will break through her sea of ​​Qi at any time.

The white-clothed girl saw the black-clothed leader ignore her, her heart was flustered and her body pain made her glaring at Jun Mohuang.

" are vicious!"

"Vicious? Do you dare to say that when you took me captive to the Heavenly Spirit Realm and forcibly took away my Phoenix Crystal, I was afraid that it was more vicious than me. I was just a tooth for a tooth."

(End of this chapter)

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