Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2376: Even Emperor Lingtian lost

Chapter 2376 Lost even Emperor Lingtian

Jun Mohuang clenched his fists.

What caused all this now was her unreserved feelings for Di Lingtian, which allowed him to control her fatal weakness.

The corner of Jun Mohuang's lips raised a self-deprecating smile, and the one who hurt you the most is often the closest person around you.

Di Lingtian succeeded, he was indeed qualified to laugh at her.

If she had never trusted Di Lingtian like this, she would not have fallen to this end.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, let alone if.

"Vicious woman, everything you are doing now has been exposed by our **** queen, what else can you say!"

The critique of the spirit race towards Jun Mohuang made them even more outraged.

"I did not do that."

Jun Mohuang's tone was indifferent and directly denied.

"It's coming, you still want to deny it!"

Seeing Jun Mohuang still stubborn, the spirit race couldn't help yelling at him.

"Interestingly, why should I deny what I haven't done. You Lanhua is not suitable for the spirit race. You don't need to use any hands or feet to abort all the pregnant women of the spirit race in the heavenly spirit world."

"I suggest you keep your eyes open, don't be used by others and count money for others."

Jun Mohuang's tone was as flat as ever, and he didn't care about the attitude of these spirit races towards her at all.

She even lost Di Lingtian, so what was it that these spirit races hated her.

"Nonsense, the Queen of God can't be wrong! We won't be fooled by you again!"

When the spirit race saw Jun Mohuang's oil and salt not entering, their anger turned into guilt for the white-clothed girl.

"Queen of God, we were deceived by this woman and had some bad impressions of you. Please, Queen of God, please punish you!"

"The Queen of God, it was this woman who killed the unborn child of her subordinates. We had misunderstood the Queen of God before. Please forgive the Queen of God!"

"The Queen of God, this woman has a vicious heart and clever tactics. She deceives her subordinates round and round. No wonder the Queen wants to punish us for kneeling outside the spiritual palace and reward us with the whip of the spiritual palace, hoping that we can recognize the true face of this liar, but she belongs to him. The servants are dull and fail to understand the intention of the **** queen."

The spirit races began to apologize to the girl in white.

Their **** queen is the daughter of the Heavenly Phoenix, and she is guarded by nine golden phoenixes at birth.

Priest Zhi had previously predicted that the **** bestowed the daughter of the Heavenly Phoenix, and she would receive unparalleled blessings and dominate the world.

Because of this, she was chosen as the future **** queen of the heavenly spirit world when she was born.

Their **** queen is chosen by destiny, with noble status, and being born in the heavenly spirit world is a great blessing for all spirit races.

What Jun Mohuang's medical skills are better than their **** queen's medical skills, she changed Youlanhua's medicinal effect by hand, she naturally knew what was going on.

Their **** queen didn't know how Jun Mohuang changed it.

Comparing an insider with an uninformed person is not a fair contest.

It is no wonder that Jun Mohuang has a 100% success rate, which is not at all because of her superb medical skills.

They blamed the girl in white for this, and even before the girl in white took off the veil of Jun Mohuang, they thought that Jun Mohuang was better than her.

It is a great shame for them to think that the Queen of the Nine Nether World is better than their own.

There were even some spirit races who were shaking M, and found a perfect excuse for the white-clothed girl to punish them and whipped them.

Upon hearing these words, the girl in white glanced at Jun Mohuang with extremely contemptuous eyes.

Now, she was the object of praise from everyone, but Jun Mohuang was a prisoner who everyone shouted and beat.

(End of this chapter)

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