Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2371: How can he do this!

Chapter 2371 How can he do this!

"No matter what method you use to bring that woman here, this lady must see her! Otherwise, you will come to this lady."

Mrs. Baili gave a death order to this subordinate.

The subordinate wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and his life and soul were now pinched in the hands of the Baili Patriarch and his wife, and he had to follow their instructions.

The subordinates left, and began to ponder over how to attract Mo Xi.

Everyone knows that Baili Patriarch and his wife live here, and no one wants to come here to care about these two people.

This subordinate was not particularly clever. When he thought of a way, Yun Lan had already left the Bafang Profound Realm with Mo Yaxi and Sister Mo Xi to the spiritual capital.

"What! Lan'er left, went to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and took the two **** women with Sheng'er!"

"It's impossible. If Lan'er really wants to leave, she will definitely bid us farewell just now, and Sheng'er, don't look at Sheng'er rebellious, he is the most filial, he will definitely come to say goodbye to us!"

The two old faces of Baili Patriarch and his wife both had incredible expressions.

Mrs. Baili backed back again and again, looking like she had been hit.

"It must be you, this incompetent thing like you. If you do the truth, you will return everything to this lady's Shenger and Laner!"

Mrs. Baili took a few steps forward, raised her wrinkled hand, and vented all her anger to this innocent subordinate.

"It's true Madam, my subordinates didn't lie to you! Everyone in the endless black realm knows that His Majesty Human Emperor took the Mo Family Sisters and Master Yun Sheng to the Heavenly Spirit Realm!"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask them!"

The subordinates of the Baili family only felt aggrieved, and at this moment someone came to deliver food to the couple.

The subordinate immediately seemed to have caught the straw.

"Quickly tell, is it like this!"

The Patriarch of Baili was one step faster than Mrs. Baili, and went forward to grab the clothes of the person in charge of the meal.

"That's right." The celebrity cultivator who was in charge of delivering meals was taken aback by the actions of the Patriarch Baili.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The Patriarch Baili scolded angrily, "Get out! Get out of the Patriarch!"

The Baili family's subordinates and the food delivery person immediately seized the opportunity to go away.

Patriarch Baili was so angry that he kicked all the food he sent to the ground.

The rice and vegetables were scattered all over the floor, and the dishes and chopsticks became pieces.

Baili Patriarch and his wife looked at the four dishes and one soup sprinkled on the ground, and their hearts became more angry.

They are the parents of the emperor of the Bafang Profound Realm, and they are distinguished. Now they should enjoy the luxurious life of splurge, instead of being locked in the palace every day and not being free to eat these homemade dishes!

The culprit who caused the couple to fall to where they are today is Jun Mohuang.

More sadly, their family finally reunited.

The two sons did not dislike Jun Mohuang in the slightest, but acquiesced to this arrangement.

This will go to the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Yun Lan would rather bring the **** sister surnamed Jun, rather than reveal any news to them. They are Yun Lan's biological parents. How could he do this!

"Husband, no, I still can't swallow this breath! That **** surnamed Jun hurt us so badly, I will never allow her sister to be with Lan'er!"

Madame Baili became more and more angry, covering her heart, her heart throbbed like countless needles.

"Madam, I don't want to be a husband, but you and I are under house arrest here, with little strength left, what can we do!"

(End of this chapter)

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