Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2366: I want her power of light, I want you

Chapter 2366 I want her light source power, I want you

Fortunately, he appeared in time.

Jun Mohuang looked at Di Lingtian, "Where did you lock him?"

Shi Feng's aura was so violent that he apparently escaped from the crisis of life and death.

No wonder Feng Yunqi just ordered the disappearance of Shi Feng, he was locked up by Emperor Lingtian.

She could hardly believe that Di Lingtian would be so against the wind.

"As a result, you already guessed it yourself, why did you even ask me."

Di Lingtian sighed softly, "Okay, let's get started, don't waste the deity's time, leave the power of your light source, you can go."

"Give the power of the light source and you to this woman, Di Lingtian, don't think about it!"

"I want her light source power, I want you, Di Lingtian, you have no chance to regret it."

Jun Mohuang glanced at Di Lingtian, and a colorful halo enveloped her.

The crystal bracelet entwined between his wrists changed into two flying blades, suspended behind Jun Mohuang.

Her things, her man, can only share what she said not to, Di Lingtian regrets it, there is no door!

The figure of Jun Mohuang turned into a colorful light and shadow, and walked towards the girl in white.

The girl in white screamed, "Brother Ling Tian, ​​save me!"

"I'm afraid you don't have this strength."

A smile appeared on the corner of Di Lingtian's lips. Before Jun Mohuang started to catch the girl in white, he whispered the colorful bead gently.

The colorful halo covering Jun Mohuang suddenly tightened, restraining her like a big net.

Jun Mohuang couldn't move under this restraint.

The pair of flying blades behind him changed back to two bracelets and returned to Jun Mohuang's wrist.

Her footsteps finally stayed not far from the girl in white.

Jun Mohuang stared blankly at Di Lingtian standing in front of the white-clothed girl.

It was not a token of love at all, it was that he needed that bead to control her.

Could it be that she asked him to return it just now, but he refused, that's why!

She was so close to him, so close that she could smell the good-smelling essence of his body, which used to be her favorite breath.

Now, Jun Mohuang smelled this kind of breath again, but only felt full of anger.

Di Lingtian was attracted by the light of water under her eyes. He stretched out his hand to take the veil covering her face and looked down at her. For a while, no one spoke.

The white-clothed girl tried her best to suppress her urge to cross Emperor Lingtian and slap Jun Mohuang.

Di Lingtian used his actual actions to prove her love for her, and she absolutely could not allow herself to expose her nature in front of Di Lingtian.

The white-clothed girl hid behind Di Lingtian, her jaw slightly raised, looking at Jun Mohuang's sad look.

Mean woman, you have today too!

"Di Lingtian, you have forgotten who gave you the heart of the water mirror at the risk of your life! Who is it for you to have an ally on the continent, trying to fight for the place of the emperor, and finally loses his face and life The end!"

"You have experienced life and death, how can you betray her, how dare you!"

Shi Feng's eyes were red, the veins on his forehead were about to burst, and he roared.

Di Lingtian, how could he treat his boss like this!

Shi Feng couldn't wait to step forward and hack Di Lingtian and the girl in white with a knife.

It is a pity that when Jun Mohuang started his hand, Shi Feng had completely lost his mobility under the pressure of Emperor Lingtian. He could only stand incompetently. Seeing his boss fell into the hands of these lowly men and women, what did he do? Can't do it!

You can't even destroy your body at the same time!

Di Lingtian's eyes flickered, as if he didn't care about everything Shi Feng said.

(End of this chapter)

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