Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2352: The will of heaven

Chapter 2352 Heaven's Will

He thought that Su Zhiyun would definitely become the queen of the Profound Capital Realm. Who knew that Su Zhiyun was planted, and his Majesty was very dissatisfied.

He had to say more flattering and beautiful words in front of Zi Shuilan to keep his position.

"Your Majesty has far-reaching strategies that are beyond the reach of his subordinates."

But the minister thought for a long time, his face flushed, and he still couldn't understand what he was thinking, so he had to play officialdom.

Zi Shuilan sneered: "Since you don't have enough brains, don't talk nonsense to the emperor. The emperor likes subordinates who do more and talk less."

Everything about that woman Su Zhiyun is so annoying, including the minister on her side.

All flattery and flattery are boring.

However, apart from this shortcoming, this person's other talents make him very satisfied.

As long as this person gets rid of these problems, it is worth training.

He wants to temporarily leave the Profound Capital Realm for a while, and needs an available cronies.

"Yes, Your Majesty, your subordinates understand!"

The minister turned pale, and Zi Shuilan was saying that he had said too much of his usually flattering and beautiful things.

No way, Su Zhiyun used to like the flattery of his subordinates the most.

After saying this, the minister jumped down from the meaning of the purple cloud, the lavender wings spread out behind him, and the minister gliding and landing into the orc army, joined the battle.

The spirit tribe army is in great momentum, and the orc army is naturally not to be outdone.

The battle between the two sides became more intense. On the battlefield, the breath of battle souls became more and more intense, and a large number of breaths of battle souls were continuously attracted to the valley where Luo Chen was.

This valley has been shrouded in invisible by Luo Chen's enchantment. Unless Luo Chen's permission, no one can enter it, and no one can see it.

Including the new Beast Emperor of the Profound Capital Realm.

After three days and three nights, Luo Chen used the Breath of Victory as a prelude, and the Zhanjin formation was about to finish three-quarters of the painting.

It would take another day for the God of War formation to be able to engrave and draw, and he would be able to kill the new Beast Emperor in one sentence, throwing the entire Profound Capital Realm into a huge chaos.

Luo Chen's deep eyes showed a certain smile.

When he noticed that the breath of the God of War that came continuously became extremely intense, Luo Chen's eyes were bound to get even heavier.

Such a strong breath of the God of War is coming continuously, he does not need a day, half a day to complete the engraving!

The good news doesn't stop there.

When Luo Chen was happy, he separated a ray of spiritual energy, wafting, and went to investigate the battle on the battlefield ahead.

This is what he has been doing for the past three days.

The army of the heavenly spirit world swept away, and his 28 ministers completely got rid of the influence of the relatives of the spirit race, and led the army to suppress the orc army.

The momentum of the 28 ministers and the Heavenly Spirit Realm army now, not to mention supporting them for a long time, even if they fight the orc army for two more days, it is more than enough.

Luo Chen's quiet eyes burst out with a terrifying look. If he didn't want to concentrate on carving out the victory formation, Luo Chen would surely roar into the sky.

This is the will of God!

No one can stop him from completing the engraving of the God of War Array, no one can stop him from killing the beast emperor who knows no height.

As soon as this matter returned to Lingdu, he must reward the Yuan patriarch and 28 ministers.

Luo Chen suppressed the excitement in his heart, and the rune pen in his hand carved the array faster.

The golden lines spread and extend on the valley surface, constantly forming mysterious and complex patterns.

In the center of the pattern is a nine-petaled golden lotus.

Luo Chen was carving the last petal.

(End of this chapter)

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