Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2345: Wait for you to die

Chapter 2345 is waiting for you to die

Everyone felt that the punishment was too heavy, and at the same time it was difficult to accept that this was an order from the kind and gentle God Empress White in their hearts.

Soon after the five hundred whips were beaten, the elite guards of the spirit palace put away the whip of the spirit palace and walked away.

The young patriarch of the Zi clan has become a blood man, his back is bloody, his wound is cracked, white bones are faintly visible, lying on a large pool of blood, lying motionless there.

"Everyone, do it well, please, trouble anyone who has hemostatic pills, bone renewal pills and other wound medicines, feed our young patriarch, help him bandage, in the future, the Zi Clan will have to thank you."

The purple elder looked at the standing spirit races in a pleading tone.

The Zizu talisman was punished to kneel, they did not dare to move a step.

"By the way, this woman is really vicious, and these spirit races are really blind, so they think she is kind. It's time for me to play again!"

Feng Yunqi and Wu Qianyong have been secretly following the patriarch Zi Shao, while Yinlin went to the nearby tribes to deliver news.

Feng Yunqi witnessed Patriarch Zi being beaten, and he, an outsider who is not a spirit race, couldn't stand it.

He spoke fast with rosary beads with gunfire, and he rushed out while crackling.

With disgust in his heart again, so do these Zizu people, just kneel and take medicine and bandage them. I'm afraid of this, really boring.

Even so, Feng Yunqi rushed to the face of Patriarch Zi Shao as quickly as possible, squeezed his jaw, stuffed a handful of pill into his mouth, crushed a handful of pill, and sprinkled it on the **** flesh. Back.

Patriarch Zi's back healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The spirit races next to them saw someone appear and started to discuss the experience of Patriarch Zi.

They were very curious in their hearts, what exactly did Patriarch Zi Zi do to provoke the kind and gentle, always generous queen of the body so angry.

"Hmph, since you want to know the truth so much, let me tell you the little master!"

Kind and gentle, always generous?

What a hell, how could that woman have such qualities.

Feng Yunqi's words immediately attracted the eyes of all the spirit races.

"He just returned to the Zi Clan and found that his wife was put to death. He knelt down and begged the Queen to save his wife, and was punished in this way. The Zi Clan was also punished to kneel for this."

"In this way, Patriarch Zi is not at all wrong, why is the Queen of God..."

My wife is dead, what's wrong with asking God to save my wife after being sad,

"No, it's impossible, how could the Queen of God do this..."

"Everyone, don't be fooled by him, this person is the one who just said bad things about the Queen of God!"

The spirit races still didn't believe that the white-clothed girl would do this kind of severe punishment for no reason.

Someone even recognized Feng Yunqi.

"There is also the Yin clan, but it is just to tell the **** queen that the order of treatment with the priest has been discussed, and she is asked to treat the tribe that is lower in the auction first."

"The reasons for the three tribes who came to be sent to kneel are exactly the same as the Yin people."

In fact, Feng Yunqi wanted to call her a **** woman more than calling her a white-clothed **** queen.

But no way, who made him play the role of an ordinary spirit race.

This is what the spirit tribe would call the girl in white.

"You don't believe it, do you? If you don't believe it, you can ask the Zi, Yin and the other three tribes!"

"Purple elder, isn't the situation like this? Don't lie to us at this time."

Feng Yunqi's words are very useful, and Spirit Race keeps asking questions.

Soon, they learned about the Yin and the other three tribes, and discovered that Feng Yunqi was not lying.

(End of this chapter)

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