Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2336: Dedicated spy

Chapter 2336 Special Secret Agent

"Yes, Your Majesty, we won't mess around."

Feng Yunqi and the dragons patted their chests to make sure.

After Jun Mohuang waited for them to use the white spar to disguise themselves as ordinary spirit races, they divided them into batches at the same time and released the Phoenix Jade Space in different places.

"To fan the flames, this word is used well, but don't get the flames up."

"Don't get too proud and expose your identity."

The last words of Jun Mohuang were for the dragons.

It's easy to get overwhelmed when things happen, which is a major shortcoming of the dragon clan.

The previous sentence is obviously talking about Feng Yunqi.

"Relax, Your Majesty, this is a great opportunity to avenge Yinqi and Qinglin. We will never allow ourselves to make mistakes!"

All dragons guarantee in unison.

Feng Yunqi also vowed to guarantee that he would never go wrong.

"Well, I put several teleportation jade charms on each of you just now. If you are really in danger by then, you can teleport away immediately, understand."

Jun Mohuang communicated with the Dragon and Mo tribes in a secret language.

After getting everyone's assurance, Jun Mohuang asked them to leave.

The Dragon Clan, Mo Clan, and Feng Yunqi immediately dispersed in groups based on the previously divided groups.

"Hey, Wu Qianyong, Shi Feng, who said that the four of us are going to act together, where did this kid go."

Somewhere in a narrow alley, Feng Yunqi, Shifeng and Yinlin appeared at the same time. Feng Yunqi nodded the number of people and began to look around.

"I don't know, Shi Feng might want to act alone. You know, he is a special spy for the boss, he definitely wants to take the opportunity to find out secret information."

Wu Qianyong looked a little unnatural, pinching the corner of his clothes.

Feng Yunqi and Yinqi were both gross nerves and didn't even realize it.

"Hmph, inquire about the secret news, if such a fun thing does not take us, it's too bad for us to be brothers."

Feng Yunqi snorted softly, and to be honest, he was so curious about the way Shi Feng collected intelligence.

He knew that Shi Feng Nether Shadow's spiritual power could help him find out a lot of top-secret information, how to operate it, but unfortunately, no one except Jun Mohuang knew.

Last time he quietly took out a portrait of the girls of the Spirit Race, which shocked Feng Yunqi.

He only thought he knew Shifeng’s whereabouts very clearly, but he couldn’t recall that when he was in the Bafang Profound Realm at that time, how could he have the time, how could he have the ability to accurately detect the group of spiritual girls, and put them all. Draw it down.

"And so is your kid. During this period of time, I always looked frowning and worried, and I asked you not to say it."

After Feng Yunqi complained about Shi Feng, he started talking about Wu Qianyong again.

Wu Qianyong squeezed the corners of his clothes tighter, his thoughts were simple.

He saw Di Lingtian next to the white-clothed girl, the two behaved intimately and the relationship was very unusual.

Wu Qianyong has been worried about this, and he is very afraid that Jun Mohuang will be hurt.

When Jun Mohuang came to the Lingdu, it was possible to see Emperor Lingtian and the girl in white together at any time.

Wu Qianyong was even more restless.

So he took the initiative to tell Shifeng about the incident, and let Shifeng take this opportunity to find out whether he had misunderstood or was it true.

If he read it wrong, then there is nothing to worry about.

If he really read it right, there was something going on, they knew in advance so that Jun Mohuang could prepare early.

"Hey, forget it, Wu Qianyong, don't be sad, your kid must be a little Mozu girl who has confessed that she failed."

(End of this chapter)

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