Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2325: Resilience fails

Chapter 2325: Returning to the spirits fails

She will not throw away the sound transmission jade talisman unless she does not want to contact her.

"Your Majesty, your subordinates never dared to deceive your Majesty. There were two palace servants who saw this situation. They saw the queen staying alone in the garden from afternoon to night, and then suddenly threw away the sound transmission jade charms and arranged Enchantment."

The sound from the sound transmission jade talisman caused Luo Chen's heart to fall to the bottom.

She clearly knew that there would be a wave of miscarriage for pregnant women of the Spirit Race in the Lingdu at any time, but she arranged a lower barrier to prevent interference and threw away the sound transmission jade.

What happened to the girl in white clothes to make such a weird and extraordinary behavior.

This inquiry failed to calm the minister's heart, and Luo Chen's feeling in his heart started to become more uneasy.

Luo Chen continued to question. When all the ministers at the scene learned through the sound transmission jade that the fifty spiritual palace guards of the Bloodbath Clan were indeed sent by the girls in white, there was an uproar at the scene.

The prostrate ministers couldn't help but straightened up, feeling tense.

Yes, without the order of the girl in white, who would dare to move the Spirit Race of the Wind Clan and other tribes.

Before Luo Chen had time to speak again, the palace man on the other side of the sound transmission jade talisman threw an even more exciting news.

"Your Majesty, after the Queen asked the high priest to lead fifty spiritual palace elite guards to the Wind Race, she immediately sent Priest Zhi to the dungeon. Priest Zhi was very opposed to the Queen sending people to the Wind Race."

This spiritual palace person didn't know that Luo Chen was with a group of ministers now.

The behavior of the girl in white today is really weird. He is disturbed and wants to tell Luo Chen everything he knows.

Luo Chen is smarter than all the spirit races, and he can definitely infer what the girl in white is doing.

Yuan patriarch and other ministers lowered their heads to cover up the burning anger in their eyes.

The reason why the white-clothed girl imprisoned Priest Zhi could not be more obvious. She was afraid that Priest Zhi would prevent her from washing the Wind Race.

This thing was really done by that woman, who did not respect her like that.

They were on the front line for the entire Celestial Spirit Realm, for Luo Chen's birth and death, but the white-clothed girl directly killed their family members in Lingdu.

My family can't keep it, no matter how many victories they have, what is the point!


Luo Chen's eyes were slightly sinking, and he couldn't imagine that the girl in white clothes who was usually well-behaved and sensible would actually do such a thing.

"Don't worry, Aiqing, the facts have not been completely clear. I will return to the spirits personally, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer and let all Aiqing feel at ease."

Luo Chen's face was stained with iron blue at this time, and he hung up the sound transmission jade wisely.

If you continue to talk, who knows if the white-clothed girl has done anything more excessive and chilling.

Luo Chen didn't intend to return to Lingdu himself, he was afraid that Zi Shuilan would suddenly attack, and believed in the white-clothed girl's ability to do things.

But now, he must return to Lingdu himself.

Except for him, no one can crack the anti-disturbance barrier under the white girl's cloth.

Luo Chen got up, ready to tear the void.

Ahead, the sound of a horn sounded.

Like a female ghost wailing in the middle of the night, everyone's eardrums are shaking.

"Report! Your lord, the Beast Emperor is leading an army raid!"

A scout rushed in as quickly as possible. The situation was urgent. He rushed in before he could report.

Luo Chen got up from his seat with a brush, the expression on Jun's face was uglier than ever.

"Beast King, you really know how to pick time!"

(End of this chapter)

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