Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2311: Unless you become a protoss

Chapter 2311 Unless you become a Protoss

These ministers and wives are pregnant women, and continuing to fall into a coma will be detrimental to the fetus in the belly.

Jun Mohuang took out the silver needle, and was about to pierce them into a few large holes to forcibly wake them up.

Feng Xiaorou, who was in a coma, suddenly let out a cry of pain, she covered her belly in a reflexive manner, and a stream of blood flowed out of her skirt.

Feng Xiaorou still fell into a coma and did not wake up.

As she took the lead, other ministers and wives also made painful sounds, and their symptoms were exactly the same as Feng Xiaorou.

Jun Mohuang quickly grabbed the wrists of Feng Xiaorou and the other ladies and pressed the corners of her lips slightly, because the side effects caused by You Lanhua came on early because of the stimulation in the illusion before.

The side effects of Youlanhua and the strong stimulation in the environment, under the dual effect, the signs of miscarriage by these ministers and wives came aggressively.

The blood is just like the water drawn from the pump, and it leaks out desperately.

In two seconds, the blood on everyone's face was lost.

This cabin is now really what it looks like in the environment, full of sweet and rich blood.

Jun Mohuang looked solemn.

She must successfully treat everyone within fifteen seconds.

Otherwise, these ministers and wives will really have a miscarriage.

This is a brand new challenge for her.

There are as many as 26 ministers and wives.

Jun Mohuang has never tried to treat so many pregnant women of the Spirit Race at the same time in such a short period of time in other cities in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Jun Mohuang concentrated and put all the illusions behind.

She took out hundreds of silver needles from the space ring, her hands reaching the extreme.

Between the fingers, the silver needles turned into afterimages, which accurately pierced the various large holes in the body of each minister and wife.

Jun Mohuang's hands were sealed, and five drops of golden spiritual spring were moved to the stomachs of all ministers and wives.

Fortunately, she can do a series of spatial exercises, without waking up the patients, without opening their mouths, and allowing them to take medicine obediently.

Otherwise, these ministers and wives are in a coma, and she must be successfully treated in such a short period of time, unless she is immediately ennobled to become a god.

Jun Mohuang uses the power of induction to control 28 golden spiritual springs at the same time, allowing the golden spiritual springs to quickly enter the main meridians in the body.

Jun Mohuang's silver needle sealed all the meridians of the ministers and his wife, limiting their blood spurting speed.

The effect was immediate, and after three seconds, the blood flow of the wife quickly halved.

Coupled with the powerful effects of the golden spirit spring, the blood of all people was stopped in the ninth second, and all their bodies returned to normal under the nourishment of the golden spirit spring in the thirteenth second.

Jun Mohuang's forehead was full of fine beads of sweat.

To achieve this level in a short period of time requires a lot of mental energy.

Fortunately, she is now in the Primordial Saint Realm and possesses the body of a demigod, otherwise she would not be able to add to this feat at all.

Jun Mohuang ignored the sweat from his forehead and quickly put away the silver needle.

The ministers' wives' eyes rolled under their eyelids, and there were signs of awakening.

Jun Mohuang just put away the silver needle, and Feng Xiaorou woke up first.

Her eyes were in a trance, what's going on, wasn't she killed by the spiritual palace elite guards? She is dead, why is she still breathing.

Seeing the blood on the floor and the bulging abdomen, he couldn't believe he stretched out his hands and stroked his belly.

A warm touch came, and Feng Xiaorou's eyes turned, and when she saw Jun Mohuang, her eyes gradually focused.

It was not an illusion, she and her child were really fine.

And all this is due to Jun Mohuang!

(End of this chapter)

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