Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2303: You go

Chapter 2303, let's go

"Kill all! Kill all, don't leave a living, don't leave a breath!"

When the high priest saw this scene, the corners of his lips twitched tightly.

This group of people even wanted to sue when they were dying, and there was no door!

The guards in this group of spirit palaces sent out a few small spiritual energy blades backhand, piercing the hearts of these spirit races fiercely.


Many spirit races were killed only halfway through their last words.

When Jun Mohuang and Feng Yehan arrived, they saw this tragedy.

There was a little guilt in Jun Mohuang's heart, and she was also very responsible for this situation.

She really didn't expect the girl in white clothes to deal with these spirit races in order to catch her.

She hates Luo Chen very much, but these spirit races are different.


Two purple fires ignited in Feng Yehan's purple eyes.


The Feng Clan people who struggled to resist saw Feng Yehan appear, and their expressions instantly turned happy.

"Patriarch, you go! We are not their opponents!"

Their joy did not last for even a second, and it became a deep worry.

The opponent is too strong, not a combat level at all.

They hope that Feng Yehan can lead the younger generation of the Feng Clan to escape from danger, leaving behind the green hills, not afraid of not having firewood.

Feng Yehan was shrouded in a purple hurricane, and he turned a deaf ear to the kindness of the Feng Clan people to persuade him to retreat.

Feng Yehan stretched out his arms, and hundreds of purple Wind Emperor blades were sent out, forming a large array of Wind Emperor blades, attacking the elite guards of the Spirit Palace.

Jun Mohuang flicked his sleeves, a huge lightsaber, wrapped in a colorful halo, hidden into Feng Yehan's attacking array.

She gave slender fingers and fiddled a few times in the air.

Feng Yehan's Wind Emperor's Blade Array immediately surged in power.

The violent wind tore the air, and every inch of the air was filled with countless sharp steel knives, cutting everyone's skin.

Many people at the scene couldn't help but back up a few steps, and then stand in front of them, and their skin would definitely be cut.

"Hmph, it's just a ninth-order Great Perfection powerhouse in the Yuanhuang realm, and I want to repel fifty Yuansheng realm powerhouses, joke!"

The high priest could not help but sneer again and again when he saw Feng Yehan's reckless behavior.

Feng Yehan had fallen out of favor a long time ago. He was the only patriarch who had not entered the crystal pond to practice.

Therefore, his strength still stays at the ninth-order Dzogchen stage of Yuanhuang Realm.

A powerful man of the ninth-order Dzogchen of Yuanhuang realm who wants to beat fifty Yuansheng realm strong men back is as ridiculous as an ant trying to kill an elephant.

The fifty Yuan Saint Realm powerhouses stopped the slaughter and obviously felt that they were insulted.

They allowed Feng Yehan's attack to attack them head-on, without any intention of avoiding it.

Everyone thought that Feng Yehan's attack would not have any effect.

The purple wind emperor's blade tears the air and the five elite guards of the spiritual palace standing in front bear the brunt.

As if a steel hammer weighing tens of thousands of catties hit my heart, the five people covered their heart and vomited a mouthful of blood.

He wiped his feet on the ground and flew out for tens of meters to barely shape himself.


"Patriarch Wind!"

The spirit races of the Wind Clan and other tribes saw Feng Yehan's attack actually work, surprises were added, and hope was born in their hearts.

"You! This is impossible!"

The high priest screamed in disbelief.

How could it be possible for a powerful person of the ninth-order great perfection of the Yuanhuang realm to injure the first-order strongman of the Yuansheng realm, and even five people would be injured!

The sun came out from the west without this incident.

The fifty elite guards of the Spirit Palace also stared wide, unable to believe what happened just now.

(End of this chapter)

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