Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2299: Identity exposure

Chapter 2299 Identity Exposure

"Hmph, maybe people don't care that our husbands were born and died for the king."

"Sister Yuan, what should we do."

While these ministers and wives were angry, they couldn't help panicking.

The fifty elite guards of the Yuan Sacred Realm of the Ling Palace are here, not to mention the Wind Clan, even if all the tribes in the Lingdu are here, they are not their opponents.

These fifty elite guards of the Yuan Sacred Realm, Stepping Feng Clan, will find them sooner or later.

Since the girl in white ordered the blocker to be killed, she would really kill the elites of the Wind Race and her tribe who were protecting them.

They didn't expect that the white-clothed girls would treat them cruelly despite their being the wives of heroes.

This group of ministers and wives also had nothing to do, pinning all their hopes on Feng Xiaorou.

"It seems that I overestimated the contribution of our respective husbands and tribes behind to the heavenly spirit world for so many years."

Feng Xiaorou stood up with her stomach supported, disappointment flashed in her eyes, but she didn't see the slightest panic.

Obviously, she had planned for this to happen.

"Sisters, Jun girl, don't worry, Ye Han will take all of us to take refuge in the secret base of the Wind Clan."

Just as Feng Xiaorou's voice fell, outside the flower hall, a lavender robe flashed, and Feng Yehan entered from outside the flower hall.

He is no different from when Jun Mohuang saw him in the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm.

Silver hair, purple eyes, handsome face.

Jun Mohuang glanced at Feng Yehan, thinking that Sister Yaxi's Yan Fu was really great.

With Feng Xiaorou's arrangement and Feng Yehan's arrival, ministers and wives felt relieved a lot.

"Seniors, please follow me..."

Feng Yehan quickly looked around the flower hall, and his gaze fell on Jun Mohuang's face wearing a white veil, his purple eyes shrank, and his body became cold.

The two purple wind blades were like lightning, cutting through the air and heading straight towards Jun Mohuang.

With a tea cup in his hand, Jun Mohuang saw Feng Yehan's attack from his side.

She was unmoved, she looked down to drink tea.

With a light flick of the other hand, two light blades larger than Feng Yehan's purple wind blade came from her sleeves and faced the two wind blades.

The four arcs of energy collided, making a muffled noise.

The purple and white rays of light exploded in the flower hall, and the shock waves generated by the explosion of the four energy bodies exploded in all directions.

Wherever he went, the floor, wooden beams, and small chairs were all turned into powder.

In the Flower Hall, except Jun Mohuang and Feng Yehan, other people obviously did not expect this kind of change to happen.

Seeing the shock wave approaching, the ministers and wives turned their faces pale with fright.

Their strength is good, but being pregnant affects their mobility and responsiveness.

At the critical moment, seeing the shock wave approaching, the white light shone in front of them, and a thin white light barrier enveloped each of them.

As soon as the enchantment had been enveloped, the shock wave hit it, and the enchantment was just a faint ripple.

Jun Mohuang retracted the white light barrier: "Sorry, I was shocked to all ladies."

The ministers and their wives were in shock, looking at everything in front of them.

The Flower Hall where they were just now has become a ruin, only the chairs they were sitting on are intact.

The flat sapphire floor was sunken, and a huge hole lay there.

They stared at Jun Mohuang and Feng Yehan blankly, and even Feng Xiaorou did not react.

"It really is you! Why are you here!"

A purple light appeared in Feng Yehan's eyes, and a pair of purple eyes stared at Jun Mohuang.

(End of this chapter)

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