Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2281: That man is really the emperor

Chapter 2281 That man is really the emperor

He had a bad heart towards Jun Mohuang, and if there was a conflict with him and alarmed the high priest, then Jun Mohuang's arrival in the Heavenly Spirit Realm would definitely be exposed in advance.

After all, her appearance is exactly the same as that of the girl in white, it is too easy to expose.

The only way is not to go.

"What are you afraid of? If you don't make things worse, how can I go to Lingdu."

Jun Mohuang looked at Feng Yunqi, a faint smile overflowed from the corner of his lips.

Feng Yunqi was thinking about something, but seeing Jun Mohuang's determined eyes, he immediately swallowed the words into his stomach.

Nothing that Jun Mohuang decided could change.

Feng Yunqi and others had a conversation around Jun Mohuang, and everyone was very curious about the experience of traveling in the heavenly spirit world.

Only Wu Qianyong, uncharacteristically, hesitated, taking a peek at Jun Mohuang from time to time.

Met her eyes and dodged immediately.

After a quarter of an hour, everyone dispersed.

"Boss... I... I have one thing to tell you alone."

Wu Qianyong, who had been shrinking behind the crowd, finally summoned his courage and walked to Jun Mohuang.

"Well, come on."

Jun Mohuang led Wu Qianyong to his study in the Temple of Light.

"Boss, when I came back this time, Shi Feng and I separated and went to the vicinity of Lingdu to inquire about the news. We just met the woman, the **** queen of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, preparing to enter the Lingdu."

Wu Qianyong took a few deep breaths, brewing good emotions, his heart was stunned, and he told Jun Mohuang what he was holding in his heart.

It can be seen that he had struggled a lot beforehand.

"The emperor... the emperor is by her side, I think the two behave closely. At first I thought that I was wrong, but that person... that person is the emperor."

"Boss, I promise with all my life, I really didn't make a mistake, that man is really the emperor."

Wu Qianyong finished speaking in one breath, and instead of relaxing, the expression on his face became even more nervous.

Jun Mohuang's heart suddenly jumped, and then he asked: "Is he wearing black or white clothes."


Wu Qianyong didn't understand, why Jun Mohuang was the first to ask such a question on such a big matter.

"I see. Go down and rest."

Jun Mohuang frowned slightly. This month, after she was free, she had been contacting Di Lingtian with the sound transmission jade charm.

But Di Lingtian never returned her.

She thought Di Lingtian was returning to the Nine Nether World, or was busy with other important matters, and could not respond.

Unexpectedly, Wu Qianyong said that he was with the girl in white.

"Okay, boss, don't think about it."

Wu Qianyong looked at Jun Mohuang nervously.

Wu Qianyong couldn't understand how deep the relationship between her and Di Lingtian was.

He was really worried about Jun Mohuang's state.

That's why he hesitated so much, whether or not to tell the matter.

"I believe you are not mistaken, and that Ling Tian will not betray me. Go and rest."

Jun Mohuang's eyes were calm, looking directly at Wu Qianyong.

Wu Qianyong sighed slightly, her words did not reassure him, but made him more worried.

Wu Qianyong closed the door and left.

As soon as he left, Jun Mohuang immediately took out the sound transmission jade to contact Emperor Lingtian.

As before, Di Lingtian still did not reply.

Jun Mohuang's heart slowly tightened, grabbing her heart with one hand, and slowly tightening.

No, Di Lingtian will never betray her.

Jun Mohuang stabilized his mind and put away the sound transmission jade.

An hour later, she let everyone enter the Huangyu space and head to Fengcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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