Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2275: Saying no, I'm still quite honest

Chapter 2275 says no, it's still quite honest

This is simply not too cost-effective than buying and selling.

If he took the initiative to kiss, he abducted Di Lingtian.

Di Lingtian looked like a stranger would not enter. After being kissed by her, he was ashamed and angry, thinking how cold he was.

Saying no on his face, the body is still quite honest.

Jun Mohuang felt very happy, seeing Emperor Lingtian's criminally beautiful sleeping face and perfectly-shaped thin lips, Jun Mohuang gently pressed his lips to it.

Di Lingtian put his hand on the back of her head and took the initiative to deepen.


Di Lingtian stayed with Jun Mohuang for two days, and left soon.

He didn't tell her where he was going, only that he would see him in Lingdu a month later.

Jun Mohuang did not question his whereabouts, and the miscarriage of the pregnant women of the Spirit Race finally broke out into the second-level city.

She was busy treating the pregnant women of the spirit race in Mucheng under the jurisdiction of Binghan before his death.

When Jun Mohuang killed Binghan, the miscarriage of the pregnant women of the Spirit Race had not exploded to the second-level city.

At that time, she just killed her and did not become a second-level priest of light.

Jun Mohuang had always trusted Di Lingtian very much. She guessed that if Di Lingtian was either going back to the Nine Netherworld, or doing other important things.

But Jun Mohuang never expected that after Di Lingtian left her, he went to find the girl in white clothes in the city under the control of Priest Zhi.

The white-clothed girl was roared out of the spiritual capital by the black shadow leader some time ago. In order to gain the recognition of the original heart, she had to leave the comfortable spiritual capital and come to the spiritual city to treat the spiritual pregnant woman who showed signs of miscarriage.

From when she treated Luo Chen's arm wound on the second floor of the endless black domain, she knew that she was not good at this kind of thing.

Not to mention the need to personally treat pregnant women who are bleeding.

The white-clothed girl played the role of the savior, and the journey to rescue the spiritual people was not smooth.

Several times before, she faced the **** house full of blood, and directly abandoned the pregnant spiritual woman who needed her treatment, ran out of the door to vomit.

When she finished vomiting, her patients were already cold.

This cannot be blamed on her at all, the blood in the room is really disgusting.

Even if Luo Chen sent several alchemists to follow her, it didn't help at all.

When she was so sick that she was vomiting, she couldn't tell these alchemists the correct treatment, let alone direct them to treat.

Because of her identity behind the Heavenly Spirit Realm, the families of the first few patients didn't say anything, and they didn't dare to say anything at all, but came to silently carry the deceased away.

When asked by outsiders, these people only dared to say that it was because they had been delayed for too long and could not save the people when they were sent there. They would never say that it was the problem of the girl in white.

This made the white-clothed girl a little bit happy, and counted the acquaintances of these spirit races.

If they dare to go out and talk nonsense, she promises that these people will never see the sun tomorrow again the next day.

After killing a dozen pregnant women of the Spirit Race, the white-clothed girl gradually began to adapt to the **** air.

She still had a feeling of disgust, and the speed and efficiency of healing the pregnant women of the Spirit Race, the speed, quantity and quality of collecting the power of the light source, could not be compared with Jun Mohuang.

Busy to treat these spiritual pregnant women every day, the girl in white is in very bad mood.

If it weren't for the power of the light source, she would never personally treat these lowly people.

What made the white-clothed girl even more angry was that the black shadow leader didn't know what evil he had committed, and asked her every day about the status and progress of her treatment with a sound transmission jade.

Once the number of pregnant women of the spiritual race she treated in a day was reduced, and the amount of power collected from the light source was reduced, the black shadow man leader would scold him in a head-to-head manner.

(End of this chapter)

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