Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2249: Young Emperor Lingtian

Chapter 2249 Young Emperor Lingtian

When Zi Shuilan was thinking about what to do, a cool voice behind him reached his fox ears.

This voice is very familiar, indifferent to the cold, but also contains an obvious sour taste.

It is the taste of aged vinegar.

Zi Shuilan turned abruptly, her purple eyes suddenly tightened.

"Di why are you here!"

The Di Lingtian in front of him was very different from the Di Lingtian that Zi Shuilan knew in Cangyuan Continent.

In front of him was the young Di Lingtian, only seventeen or eighteen years old.

The aura is not as strong as after becoming the Devil Emperor of the Nine Nether World, it is intimidating, but it also makes people feel strongly depressed.

Di Lingtian's body's demonic energy and sacred breath were strangely mixed, adding mystery to him.

Zi Shuilan was confused, these two breaths were completely opposite, why could he be mixed together.

The most important thing is that this is his illusion, how could Emperor Lingtian appear.

Di Lingtian was still a teenager.

"This is the home of the deity. Why can't the deity be here? It seems that you are in a difficult situation and cannot escape. How, do you want the deity to help."

Di Lingtian's eyes were like blades, scraping Zi Shuilan, wishing to chop him into meat sauce.

He transformed into the meaning of Ziyun, which completely evoked the introduction to the memory fragment of his previous life, which turned out to be this paragraph.

What made Di Lingtian even more angry was that he arrived a short while later and made this stinky fox take advantage of it.

Zi Shuilan's eyes flickered, this is his home...what does this sentence mean?

At this moment, he had no time to explore what was going on.

"Thank you, this is my own business, so I won't bother you to interfere."

Zi Shuilan directly refused.

Seeing Di Lingtian's eyes, he knew he had no good intentions.

The two are rivals in love in the Cangyuan Continent, how could Di Lingtian kindly help him.

"It's a pity, Zi Shuilan, you cannot refuse this matter."

Di Lingtian smiled low, his eyes showed coldness.

With a flick of Di Lingtian's sleeves, several golden runes flew out from his fingertips and turned into a large golden net, which caught Zi Shuilan.

Zi Shuilan was immobilized by the rune net, let alone breaking free, he couldn't even move his tongue.

Only a pair of purple fox eyes can turn.

Di Lingtian smiled with satisfaction, holding the rune net and walking to the spring water.

The green tree by the spring was surprised to see the two appearing like this, and immediately greeted Di Lingtian.

Di Lingtian nodded to it and released Zi Shuilan from the rune net.

Zi Shuilan was still unable to move, and could not say anything.

He could only look at Di Lingtian with a pair of purple eyes, thinking hard about what idea Di Lingtian had hit.

Without waiting for Zi Shuilan to come up with a reason, the little girl appeared again.

A cloud of white mist shrouded her face, and Zi Shuilan still couldn't see her appearance.

"Zishhuilan, see clearly."

When the little girl appeared, Di Lingtian said suddenly.

Several golden runes melted from his fingertips and flew into Zi Shuilan's eyes.

Zi Shuilan's eyes ached sharply, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw the white mist covering the little girl's face slowly falling off, a face that surprised him to the extreme.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​why are you here?

Seeing Di Lingtian, she immediately rushed over, her eyes filled with joy.

"Mo...Mo Phoenix."

Zi Shuilan watched Jun Mohuang flying towards Emperor Ling Tian, ​​almost forgot to breathe.

No, to be precise, this is what Jun Mohuang looked like when he was young.

(End of this chapter)

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