Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2233: A big fat sheep

Chapter 2233 A Big Sheep

"The replacement of the priest of the light is normal. Even if Liao Qi'an is our friend, we will not kill you without asking for it. As long as you sacrifice a certain share of the power of the light source to the two of us every month, we two People will not embarrass you."

"Oh, how much is this certain share? The two might as well say it directly, so I can think about it."

Jun Mohuang was very interested in this.

The phenomenon of black eating black is everywhere, the priest of light, which sounds extremely bright, and the same is true of the extremely tall profession.

The power of the light source is related to the combat power and status of the priest of light.

The phenomenon of black eating black occurred in the priest of light.

High-level priests of light bully low-level priests of light, and older priests of light bully low-level priests.

The power to rob the light source from the oppressed object is the so-called sacrifice of the two populations.

"Looking at you in this way, our brothers will give you a benefit. Now you only need to sacrifice half of the light source power in the sea of ​​qi. Then every month from now on, two-thirds of your income from Seven Star City this month The power of the light source was sacrificed to our brothers."

When the two priests of light saw that Jun Mohuang was weak and deceived, their eyes were full of greed.

The power of this girl's light source is as pure as a fifth-level priest of light.

She will obediently agree.

They slaughtered a big fat sheep this time.


Sure enough, it was not as expected by the two, Jun Mohuang didn't even think about it, so he responded directly.

Before the two had time to show ecstasy, they heard her change.

"However, if you want these conditions to be fulfilled, you must add a ‘negative’ in front."

"What do you mean?"

The two priests of light were confused.

If you agree, just agree. Why do you add a ‘negative’ before these conditions?

"That is to say, I now give you a negative one-half of the power of the light source, and I will sacrifice the negative two-thirds of the light source that I have this month to you every month."

Jun Mohuang smiled lightly, eyebrows curled, looking innocent and harmless.

"Little girl, don't play word games with us, what do you mean!"

The two light priests still didn't understand what Jun Mohuang meant, and they couldn't help but become angry.

"Such a simple negative algorithm will not count, and I don't know how you became priests of light."

Jun Mohuang played with her hair hanging down, with a hint of disgust in her tone.

"It's very simple. You are offering me one-half of the power of the light source now, and you will sacrifice two-thirds of the power of the light source this month to me every month."

"You! You are so bold!"

The two priests of light were furious.

After having been in trouble for a long time, she just pretended to be so obedient, she was playing with them!

"Little girl, toast and not eat fine wine, don't blame the two of us for being kind to you!"

The two priests of light exchanged glances and joined hands.

Since she is so disobedient and cannot use it for herself, she must never stay.

In the dark, Feng Yunqi and others and the Dragon Clan had long been hiding quietly and began to watch the excitement.

When they saw the two rushing up hurriedly, a sneer flashed in everyone's eyes.

Cut, it's not always true who is unkind to whom!

The two priests of light took out their weapons, one from the left to the right.

The two are extremely fast, as long as they rush to Jun Mohuang and hit each other, she will die under their weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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