Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2226: You look so beautiful

Chapter 2226 You look so beautiful

The jubilant atmosphere completely spread among the crowd.

The spirit races followed Ke Chengzhu away and dragged Liao Yongfu away by the way.

"City Lord Ke is really blessed, Master Jun turned out to be the priest of light in Seven Star City."

"I really want Master Jun to become our priest of light in Xuancheng."

In the vicinity of Seven Star City, City Lord Xuancheng and City Lord Wancheng looked at City Lord Ke with envy.

City Lord Ke smiled silently.

Hmph, Master Jun belongs to Seven Star City, and no one can grab it.

City Lord Ke felt happy and turned to look at the jade sculpture in front of the Temple of Light.

The pure white jade carving exudes a holy halo in the sun.

This jade sculpture is really right, no, it will be perfect when he will go back and wait for the most dexterous craftsman to add a golden seven-petal lotus to the collar of the jade sculpture.

Jun Mohuang watched this group of Spirit Race people go away with joy, eyes drooping, and Liao Qi'an on the ground hadn't completely cooled off.

Suddenly there was some complexity in my mind.

This world is so cruel, this person can be considered to have been recognized by most of the people of Seven Star City before his death, otherwise he would not be able to sit as a priest of light.

Now that he is dead, there is no one to collect the body, and they didn't even look at Liao Qi'an.

If she falls to Liao Qi'an one day, these people will probably treat her in the same way.

"Boss! Boss, you look so beautiful!"

"I'll go, Feng Yunqi, do you know how to speak, the boss looks good on everything you wear!"

"Your Majesty, that's amazing!"

Feng Yunqi and the Dragon Clan came forward, and surrounded Jun Mohuang and exaggerated.

A series of compliments from them brought Jun Mohuang back to reality.

Jun Mohuang felt warm in his heart, no matter what she became, Di Lingtian would not leave her, nor would this group of partners.

That's enough, regardless of what others do.

"You wait for me outside, I'll go in and get a certificate first."

"Okay, boss."

Jun Mohuang glanced at Liao Qi'an on the ground: "By the way, this person, send him back to Liao's house."

"This... Boss, your kindness to collect the body from this person, we know. But you are not afraid that the Liao family thinks you are showing off your power."

Feng Yunqi grabbed his head and didn't agree with Jun Mohuang's approach.

Jun Mohuang didn't care: "Who cares what they think."

"Okay, boss."

Feng Yunqi turned the corner, in fact, it doesn't matter if the Liao family want to think like this. Whoever makes his family boss has the capital to show off, hehehe.

Jun Mohuang stepped into the Temple of Light.

The Temple of Light is similar to a palace, and the inside and outside are all made of white jade without impurities, emitting a light white halo.

At the very center, there is a white jade ball.

According to Mo Xiu's instructions, Jun Mohuang stepped forward, placed his hand on the white jade ball, and injected the power of the light source.

The white jade ball immediately flourished, and the blazing white light suddenly burst, and a huge color-changing beam of light rose into the sky.

In the main hall of the Temple of Light, the light card belonging to Liao Qi'an was shattered and replaced by a light card with a more refined light source.

In the Temple of Light to the north of Lingdu.

Liao Qi'an was a subordinate of the high priest, and the high priest immediately noticed the abnormality.

When he perceives that the power of the light source possessed by the new priest of the Seven Star City is stronger and purer than that of Liao Qi'an, a smile appeared on the corner of his old lips.

The low-level priest of light is a fiercely competitive profession, and it's normal for newcomers to replace old ones.

This time, the newly appointed Priest of Light in Seven Star City was much stronger than Liao Qi'an, which was a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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