Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2203: Seventh-level priest

Chapter 2203 Seven Priests

Of what Yan Zhengqi said, she certainly knew that Mo Xi had already introduced her to her.

"What is not necessarily?"

Yan Zhengqi was a little confused by Jun Mohuang's sudden sentence.

"It's nothing, Patriarch Yan, let's return. I have seen the prosperity of the city from the future."

Jun Mohuang turned the topic off.

"Good, Master Jun. Don't worry, Master Jun, this time our Yan family will definitely entertain Master Jun."

Yan Zhengqi immediately ordered the Yan family who controlled the flying boat to move forward at full speed.

Jun Mohuang stood on the flying boat, standing with his hands held down, letting the strong long wind blow her long hair.

On the surface, she was looking at the undulating mountains below, but in fact she was communicating with the Mo Sha who stayed in the Phoenix Space in secret words.

"Uncle, the Seven-Star City we are going to this time is calculated based on the power category of the Temple of Light, which belongs to the category of the high priest."

"Yes, the Temple of Light is always controlled by two great priests, the high priest and the wisdom priest. The power of the high priest is in the north of the heavenly spirit world, and the power of the wisdom priest is in the south of the heavenly spirit world. We are now in the north of the heavenly spirit world. "

"Mo Phoenix, if you want to reach the spiritual capital quickly, taking the path of the priest of light is the best choice. It is faster than the alchemist and the refiner."

Among the spirit races, no matter their origin, no matter their bloodline level and occupation, there are only alchemists or light priests.

These three professions, regardless of background, can be talented.

Priests of light are more popular than refiners and pharmacists, and are more respected and worshipped by the spirit race.

Not only is it faster to go to Lingdu, Jun Mohuang also collects the power of the light source faster.

Because the priest of light was so popular with the spirit race, a spirit race quickly changed from an ordinary civilian to a second-level or even a first-level priest of light, which would not arouse suspicion.

The spirit races will only think that this person is chosen by heaven, but will worship this person more and more.

As for Talisman, he also pays attention to talent, but the starting point is too high.

Mo Xiu's suggestion is that Jun Mohuang take the path of combining the priest of light and the alchemist.

"Then, the short-term goal is to first obtain the position of the seventh-level priest of light in the seven-star city."

Jun Mohuang's lips twitched lightly, her thoughts were the same as Moxie.

It was not so easy to be the priest of light in the Seven Star City.

But she must thank Luo Chen for creating such a good opportunity for her.

The speed of Yan's flying boat is not higher than that of Jun Mohuang's hand.

After half a day, the group finally arrived at Seven Star City.

The population of the Spirit Race is small, and the people of the Spirit Race have always been pure-hearted and low-spirited. The city is far less prosperous than the city of the Nine Nether Realm. A breath of incompetence is naturally revealed, and it lacks fireworks.

Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong and the others were looking forward to it, but they were all short of interest in an instant when they saw the look of the city chief of the heavenly spirit world.

What? A seven-level city, although it has the worst level, it is still a city anyway, and the level of excitement is not even comparable to that of a town in the Bafang Profound Realm.

Yan Zhengqi tried his best to invite Jun Mohuang to stay at Yan's house, but Jun Mohuang refused.

"Master Jun, isn't it because I didn't entertain you..."

When Yan Zhengqi saw her refusal, his heart was disturbed.

Jun Mohuang smiled faintly: "Patriarch thinks too much. I just want to open a medical clinic in Seven Star City to sell pills at a low price to help the Spirit Race in Seven Star City heal."

Healing is not the main purpose, but the power of collecting the light source is true.

Yan Zhengqi was overjoyed: "So, Master Jun will stay in Seven Star City for a while?"

Jun Mohuang replied: "If there is no accident, yes."

(End of this chapter)

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