Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2192: Crying

Chapter 2192 Crash and cry

The daughter and other women in the family have been in this valley for three months without any problems and have been healthy.

Master Zhong came to check the bodies of all their pregnant female spirits on time, and there was nothing unusual.

Just two days ago, Master Zhong just came to check, everything is normal, why are all signs of miscarriage appear collectively today.

If you don't find a solution quickly, you will end up with two lives.

Yan Rui is his only daughter and the only flesh and blood left by his deceased wife. He must not just watch his wife die.

Whenever there is any solution, he will try.

However, he has no choice but to lie to his daughter.

Not far from the opposite side, in front of another row of cabins, there was also a middle-aged man who looked like the owner of the house.

This person is one of the other big families in the nearby Seven Star City, Liao Yongfu, the head of the Liao family.

Seven Star City is a seven-level small city on the border of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, with a total of three families.

The Yan family, the Liao family, and the Ke family where the lord of the Seven Star City are located, the Yan family and the Liao family are mortal enemies.

Liao Yongfu saw that Master Zhong hadn't been invited by Yan Zhengqi, and he immediately grabbed his servant and asked.

The results obtained were the same as those from the Yan family, Liao Yongfu frowned.

"Father, the daughter is so painful, the daughter is dying, has Master Zhong come!"

At this time, behind Liao Yongfu, a woman's voice came out.

The voice was sharp and harsh, even though the person inside was his daughter, Liao Yongfu couldn't help covering his ears.

"Xian'er, bear with me for a while, Master Zhong will be there soon."

Liao Yongfu had to adopt a deceitful attitude like Yan Zhengqi.

"You lie, this young lady has heard what you just said, Master Zhong is in retreat and never arrived!"

"My life is so miserable. I don't want to have children at a young age. I want to practice and go to the sixth-level city. Going to this valley to be ruined by others is still causing me to suffer like this..."

In the wooden cabin behind Liao Yongfu, Liao Xian'er collapsed and cried lying on a wooden bed full of blood.

"What nonsense, these are all blessings from the heavens. It is the blessings given to us by the heavens that allow our family to have the opportunity to grow stronger. The middle-aged women of the big family in Lingdu must make this sacrifice for the family, you Only when I was wronged by this, what is the name of the ghost! Your family master is here, you can't die."

Liao Yongfu was upset by Liao Xian'er's accusation.

"It's not you who miscarried. Standing and talking won't hurt your back."

The distressed Liao Xian'er has disregarded the dignity and inferiority of her children, and continues to blame her father.

Liao Yongfu blushed and scratched his cheeks. He didn't know what to do.

Next to him, Yan Zhengqi didn't care about the father and daughter of the Liao family over there. He was praying that God would quickly grant him a pharmacist, even a junior pharmacist, no, even an apprentice pharmacist would do.

When Jun Mohuang brought Feng Yunqi and others walked in from the valley entrance, what he saw was this scene.

There was a mess in the valley, and Taniguchi was unguarded, and they walked into the depths of the valley easily.

Jun Mohuang's gaze suddenly fell on the edge of the small wooden house behind Liao Yongfu, on the failed orchid.

She has never seen this kind of flower.

But the slight floral fragrance remaining in the air told her that there was a weirdness in this flower.

Jun Mohuang stepped forward and was about to collect a few flowers for detailed inspection. Liao Yongfu suddenly saw Jun Mohuang and others appearing, and was furious.

(End of this chapter)

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