Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2190: Seven-level city 2

Chapter 2190 Seven-level City 2

Feng Yunqi leaned in immediately.

Seven-level city, it sounds very low-level.

Thinking of the aura here, Feng Yunqi's heart was filled with expectations.

With such a pure aura in the heavenly spirit world, a small city will definitely be very prosperous, and there may be all kinds of weird treasures in it.

He arrived quickly, to see the excitement.

"It's not that simple. The level regulations in the heavenly spirit world are not only for the city, but also for all the spirit races. The ordinary people of the spirit race like our incarnation now, even if there is only one person to enter the seventh-level city, it needs the city big The referral of the family can only be done with the permission of the city lord."

Jun Mohuang directly poured cold water on Feng Yunqi.

The spirit race is a very arrogant race, and the result of arrogance is that the spirit race is very classy.

What level of family lives in the city of the corresponding level.

The level of the family is determined by the purity of the spirit blood in their bodies.

Spirit races of different levels will never intermarry.

Once intermarriage, everyone in the family of both men and women will face the fate of being executed.

Of course, Jun Mohuang is an exception.

When she was born, the Mo family had been driven out of the Heavenly Spirit Realm for a long time.

That's why her mother and father had the opportunity to meet and love each other.

If this happened in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and she hadn't been born yet, all the Mo people would be put to death.

The spirit race did this to ensure the purity of the blood of the entire race.

Only by combining strong and strong can they give birth to strong offspring, and will not confuse the blood of the entire spirit race.

Because of the lack of breakthroughs and changes, it has remained the same for countless years. It is absolutely impossible for a pair of seventh-level parents to give birth to sixth-level children in the spirit race.

The spirit race living outside the seventh-level city must have only blood below the seventh level.

There are few spirit races in the heavenly spirit world, and the guards of the city can recognize at a glance whether a person is a city dweller or a foreigner.

In other words, it is impossible for them to pretend to be a spirit race with a seventh-level bloodline to mix in.

"In other words, if we want to enter the nearest seven-level city first, we must obtain the invitation of a certain family in the city, and then obtain the approval of the city lord?"

Feng Yunqi felt dizzy when he heard this series of rules of the Spirit Race.

Neither this nor that, so troublesome, so rigid and rigid, what's the point of being alive.

Mo Shao nodded: "Yes, this is the current method."

Their ultimate destination is to go to the first-level city of Lingdu, so they can only proceed step by step and enter the seventh-level city first.

Wu Qianyong has a big head: "Then what are we going to do now."

This place is so big, you may be able to meet many spiritual people living outside the seventh-level city.

But it's no use. They have to meet the spirit clan of a large family born in the nearby city, and they have to invite someone to introduce them.

For no reason, who would invite an outsider.

"Don't worry, one step counts as one step. Let's get out of here and go around, maybe we will find something."

Jun Mohuang raised his small hand, and a small black flying boat flew out from the sleeves of his clothes, and turned into a huge flying boat in the air.

Everyone came to the flying boat.

The flying boat started by itself, and an afterimage passed in the air.

The speed of the black flying boat was extremely fast, flying out of the mountains stretching thousands of miles in less than seven or eight minutes.

Along the way, Feng Yunqi and the others came to the Heavenly Spirit Realm for the first time. They were excited to see everything, and they kept chatting and discussing.

"Don't talk, everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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