Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1790: Looks very tragic

Chapter 1790 seems very tragic

Even Jun Mohuang took them to another room and didn't find it.

"Well, you didn't dream."

Jun Mohuang clapped his hands and awakened them from their dreams.

"Boss, you... what are you doing."

Feng Yunqi and others saw a series of large bath tubs in the room, the bath tubs were made of black iron, and each large bath tub was filled with blue liquid and filled with water vapor.

There is a special fragrance in the air.

Everyone smelled the scent and looked confused, wondering what she was going to do.

Smelling this smell, Feng Yunqi suddenly opened his mind.

It's so fragrant, is it because the dragons have eaten too much recently, so the food is not enough, the boss wants to cook them as the dragon's ration?

"This is the medicated bath liquid made for you by the essence of water elemental spirit juice, special water elemental spirit crystals, top-grade water mirror spirit roots and various medicinal materials that enhance the value of vitality and blood. As long as you can stick to it. In three days and three nights, the blood can be purified and the blood level can be improved."

Jun Mohuang pointed to the liquid medicine in these tubs and explained to everyone.

Her luck was very good. When she went to the Heavenly Dragon Realm, she planned to purify Feng Yunqi and the others and raise her bloodline level.

Needless to say, the special water elemental spirit crystals and water elemental spirit fruits were successively obtained in the Tianlong Secret Realm. The most important thing is that Jun Mohuang found in the Dragon Clan's library that he can purify and upgrade the bloodlines of the human, spirit, and orc.

Get the treasures in the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm and the Heavenly Dragon Realm, just in handy.

"Wow, I heard you right, purifying and improving bloodline, isn't that equal to improving cultivation talent!"

Feng Yunqi's face was happy, his eyes flushed quickly, and his heart was extremely moved.

He and Wu Qianyong, Shi Feng had not been able to go to the Heavenly Dragon Realm before, because of their own bloodline problems.

Unexpectedly, the boss kept this matter in mind.

"Boss, you are so kind. Don't worry, boss, we can definitely stay on for three days and three nights."

Both Shi Feng and Wu Qianyong were very moved and looked serious.

"Miss, we won't let you down!"

The young people headed by Mo Yun in the Mo clan were also very happy and looked at Jun Mohuang gratefully.

Most of them were born after the Mo people were sent to the Bafang Profound Realm, because they were not born in the Celestial Spirit Realm, their bloodlines were still affected.

This improvement is not only for them, but also for the entire Mo people.

What's more, just soak for three days without eating or drinking. It shouldn't be difficult.

The younger generation of Mo people and Feng Yunqi all thought so.

Soon they will find out how wrong they are.

"Well, since you are so confident, I will wait for your good news in three days."

With a smirk hidden in Jun Mohuang's eyes, he walked out of the door, his sleeves flicked, and the door closed automatically.

In the room, Feng Yunqi and the others didn't talk nonsense and jumped directly into the **** iron bucket.

The medicinal solution is warm, and an extremely pure water element swims along the pores to the meridians of the body, constantly nourishing the body with water elements.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief and extremely refreshing.

"This is very cool, it is simply a top-level enjoyment, acceptance, I don't know why the boss said it seems to be very tragic."

Feng Yunqi narrowed his eyes and leaned against the wall of the mysterious iron bucket.

"Yeah, I think so too."

Mo Yun nodded in agreement.

After they enjoyed it for less than five seconds, an ink-colored flame suddenly rose from the bottom of the black iron barrel.

The hot water in the black iron bucket became hot, and a domineering force directly entered their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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