Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1788: Suspected Beast King

Chapter 1788 Suspected Beast King Woman

Regardless of whether the Baili Patriarch and his wife were curious about Di Lingtian's identity, the people who had been expelled from the city before were all talking about Di Lingtian.

"This... who the **** is this man? When will there be such a number in the Bafang Profound Realm!"

"I don't know, that aura, that temperament, anyway, is a top expert."

"The key is also very handsome, how could there be such a perfect man in the world."

"Wow, when you talked about his looks, I found that I can't remember what he looked like..."

"Me too, I just remember that he is very handsome anyway, no one can match."

"I can't remember his appearance, his own appearance is unmatched, that...that could not be a beast from the Profound Capital Realm...emperor."

Suddenly someone had a flash of inspiration. Based on these two obvious information, he just found a suitable person in his mind.


Others agreed.

"The Lord of the King City is actually the woman of the Beast Emperor, this is a good show to see where Yuncheng and Yongyuezong are."

"No matter what, don't underestimate Yongyuezong, we must not interfere in this matter, just watch the excitement."

Neither the Yongyue Sect nor the Beast Emperor of the Profound Capital Realm were the four majors in the Eight Directions Profound Realm... No, now they are the targets of the three powerful families.

Don't stand in line with the trend, don't get involved, be a melon-eater and eat melon quietly is the kingly way.

The Chu family were also thrown out.

"Elder, what should we do."

They thought that this time when the three adults of the Yongyue Sect arrived, Jun Mohuang was about to die.

As a result, the three great talents were almost dead.

Not to mention taking back Luoyun City, they didn't even get back the root hair.

As a result, the Baili family broke their faces directly with the Chu family. When the head of the Baili family went back this time, he would definitely swallow the Chu family's property.

The situation of their Chu family would be very bad.

"Don't be afraid, everyone must have a lot of confidence. It is impossible for Yongyuezong to give up, everyone must believe in the power of Yongyuezong."

The great elders should be calm.

He no longer remembered that Jun Mohuang could drive the dragon clan, only that there were so many Yuanhuang realm powerhouses around her.

But so what, such Jun Mohuang is still not the opponent of Yongyuezong.

"But the great elder, there are too many powerful men in the Yuanhuang realm next to that woman surnamed Jun..."

The Chu family's children are not so confident in Yong Yuezong.

"What are you afraid of, any expert in the Yongyue Sect is in the Yuan Emperor Realm, and there are close to a hundred strong in the Yuan Emperor Realm, and I am afraid that I can't deal with a little stinky girl!"

"This time it's just that Yongyuezong didn't figure out the situation, and the estimation was wrong. Next time, that stinky girl won't have such good luck!"

Elder Chu smiled coldly.

"This time she actually injured the three adults and wanted to kill the three adults. The anger of the Yongyue Sect will soon burn to Luoyun City. Everyone is waiting for a good show."

Elder Chu's words made the Chu family's children feel confident, waiting to see Jun Mohuang's blood.

The Yongyue Sect actually has close to a hundred Yuanhuang realm powerhouses, this kind of strength is really terrifying.

Luoyun City City Lord's Mansion.

Jun Mohuang asked Feng Yunqi, who had just returned from outside: "How is it, did those three people run away smoothly?"

"Return to the boss, they all ran away smoothly."

Feng Yunqi's face was ruddy and excited.

Recalling the three giant arrows that Jun Mohuang had shot on the tower just now, he couldn't wait to step forward and touch it.

"That's good."

Jun Mohuang breathed a sigh of relief, she was also broken for her enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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