Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1783: Must apologize!

Chapter 1783 must apologize!

Jun Mohuang insisted: "This city lord has promised Yun Sheng that he will not make it public, so the two of you can rest on this thought."

Mrs. Baili sneered: "Hmph, don't say it so nicely, you obviously don't have evidence in your hand, take out a sound transmission jade talisman to charge!"

"If you dare not disclose it, it means that your so-called evidence is false. You are slandering this madam and the owner. You must apologize to this madam and the owner, or else don't think about it!

Anyway, the Baili family and Jun Mohuang had completely torn their faces, and Mrs. Baili was already brazen at this time.

"Sovereign City Lord, you are too much to slander Mrs. Baili and Patriarch Baili like this without any evidence!"

"Monarch Lord, Mrs. Baili is right. If you don't show the so-called evidence, you must apologize!"

"Yes, apologies and apologies!"

Upstairs, other cultivators also very much agree with Mrs. Baili's approach.

Jun Mohuang has many masters of the Yuanhuang realm around him, and he also has many rare treasures in his hands.

But so what, she offended Yongyuezong, no matter how powerful she is behind her, she has to finish playing.

In order to tide over the difficulties, Jun Mohuang would ask them with rare treasures, not for them.

Having figured this out, the minds of these cultivators who were going to be pleased with Jun Mohuang instantly changed, and they began to fall into trouble.

It's best to make Jun Mohuang scared, and later can take the opportunity to blackmail more rare and exotic treasures.

Such a good thing is a fool not to do it.

All the onlookers condemned and looked at Jun Mohuang with contempt, pointed at her loudly, and asked her to apologize to the Patriarch Baili and Madam Baili.

Suddenly, the voices demanding Jun Mohuang's apology from the towers came one after another.

"Sister, sorry..."

Baili Yunsheng looked at Jun Mohuang guiltily, without expecting that his plea would get her to such a point.

Baili Yunsheng's voice was soon drowned in the sound of asking Jun Mohuang to apologize.

Jun Mohuang looked at the crowd filled with righteous indignation, a little speechless.

Are these people the brains? If she is really afraid of the Yongyue Sect, she will really beg for them, just now she would not treat the three Yongyue Sect people like that.

This also shows that the Yongyue Sect’s deterrence against these people is so great that they cannot use their IQ to think about problems normally.

Jun Mohuang was too lazy to pay attention to the group of people, turned around and left.

"You vicious little girl, want to run without showing evidence! You stop for this lady!"

Madame Baili noticed that Jun Mohuang was about to leave for the first time, and immediately stood at the top of the stairs connecting the tower to the ground and stopped her.

"Yes, you are not allowed to go, you must apologize!"

Others yelled along.

But what everyone did not expect was that just as Mrs. Baili's words fell, a force struck her chest vigorously.


Mrs. Baili exclaimed, and the whole world kept turning around before her eyes.

She went straight down the stairs and rolled down.

Di Lingtian didn't know when to appear, he held Jun Mohuang in his arms, his dark eyes as deep as the night sky were cold, his eyes were oppressive, and he slowly scanned the audience.

Those who took advantage of the chaos to follow the trend and bullied the people of Jun Mohuang immediately felt difficulty breathing and the air around them stagnated.

They found that they did not dare to look directly at the man who appeared suddenly.

"you you……"

Patriarch Baili looked at Di Lingtian with a panic in his heart. You didn't have a cause for it for a long time.

I don't know why, the extremely handsome man in front of him always gives him a powerful and suffocating feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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