Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1772: Report your name

Chapter 1772 Report your name

The next thing will be easy to handle. After a while, the rare and exotic treasures in the hall will belong to their family of hundreds of miles away.

Mrs. Baili smiled at each other with Patriarch Baili, everything was silent.

In the auction, a series of high-quality training resources from the Tianlong world made the atmosphere hot.

The cultivators at the scene almost overturned the roof with the sound of bidding, and there were usually grievances and even almost fought.

Compared with these enthusiastic bidders, the owner of Baili and Mrs. Baili are very calm and elegantly taste tea in the box.

Even when facing the high-grade water elemental spirit crystals, these two people did not applaud.

The abacus in their hearts played well.

These high-quality cultivation resources are only a very small part of Jun Mohuang's hands. Sooner or later, her resources will be theirs, and there is no need to spend wrong money.

Even if the Baili family is rich, there is no shortage of amethyst at all, and the two are still unwilling to waste one.

Falling Clouds City.

Feng Yunqi sat on the chair, and his heart had already floated to Jun's auction house.

Even if the boss only took out a small part this time, it was enough for these people to be crazy.

The Jun's auction house must be very lively, and he is really good to go and join in this lively.

No, the boss personally entrusted her with the important task, and he must not mess up this matter.

Feng Yunqi cleared away the thoughts that he wanted to make in his mind, straightened his back, and became energetic.

In a short while, there was a mighty group of people from afar.

The elder of the Chu family brought the Chu family's children to the gate of Luoyun City, and every Chu family was angry.

"Hey, haven't you seen this sign? The toll toll into the city is 200,000 amethyst per person, hurry up."

Seeing that these people didn't see him at all, and didn't have any intention to pay tolls, Feng Yunqi bent his fingers and knocked on the table.

"What! Two hundred thousand tolls, you don't see who this young master is, you dare to charge us tolls!"

A certain young master of the Chu family was immediately angry.

Feng Yunqi smiled disdainfully: "Really, then report your name."

"Hmph, you are a running dog of that woman named Jun, it's fine, I'm not afraid to scare you to death! We are the Chu family, and Yongyuezong has promised us to get rid of Jun Mohuang and return to Luoyun City. Get out of Luyun City quickly and escape, the people of Yongyue Sect will be here soon!"

"Oh, it turned out to be the Chu family. I'm sorry, each of you has doubled the tolls of one hundred times, and each of you has 20 million amethyst stones. Don't talk nonsense, enter if you can afford it, and pay immediately if you can't afford it. I rolled round and round, don't block my view of the scenery from the little master."

Feng Yunqi snorted coldly, showing a meaningful smile.

The Chu family, huh, a medium fish, neither big nor small, has finally been taken.

"Are you... are you deaf? Didn't you hear Ben Shao say that Yongyuezong will kill your master? You are the one to get out of here!"

The Chu family young master who had spoken before was furious.

"Luoyun City was originally the city of our Chu family. What qualifications do you bandits have to collect tolls from the Chu family!"

"Everyone, don't talk nonsense with him, this waste is only the strength of Yuanjun, and it is terribly useless. Let's kill him first!"

Not only this person, but the other Chu family's children were young and energetic and energetic, and they wished to chop the arrogant Feng Yunqi into pieces immediately.

"But... But if we kill him this time, the woman named Jun becomes angry and hurts the Patriarch and the Patriarch."

(End of this chapter)

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