Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1757: Something big happened

Chapter 1757 something great happened

"The place where the sixteen spiritual veins converge, the aura abundance is not bad. There is only a large moat in the city, which can only be used as a display. Even Huang'er, your fire element attack can't stop the defense of the entire city It's horrible."

Di Lingtian looked around the city and came to a conclusion.

"Hey, my ink flame is very powerful, OK? Don't say my flame is useless."

Jun Mohuang was a little unconvinced, her ink-colored flames could even refine the golden feathers.

Burning through the defensive barrier of Luoyun City is nothing.

Di Lingtian: "Huang'er, the truly powerful enchantment has its own powerful mysterious rune power, which can infinitely weaken your ink flame attack, and your ink flame will not burn through."

"It's all here, Ling Tian, ​​just help me set up a powerful defensive barrier."

Jun Mohuang hugged Di Lingtian's arm, his eyes were shining.

This time, Di Lingtian personally brought it to the door, where would she go to find a more powerful talisman than him.

How can you miss the free senior labor.

"Huang'er, bring that book, and I will teach you."

Di Lingtian saw that she had disliked him before, and now he wanted to stick to him.

Can't help but feel funny.

"In this book, there is no record of the most powerful defense formation you mentioned, right?"

Jun Mohuang immediately took out the book she saw last night and put it in Di Lingtian's hands.

"Naturally not. In addition to a high-level talisman, it also requires some raw materials for refining gold sacred weapons."

Jun Mohuang slapped his tongue: "That's really extravagant."

The golden sacred weapon, above the artifact, is the highest level weapon known in this world.

But no one has ever succeeded in refining, and has never seen the true appearance of this weapon.

Even most of the refining masters were silent and failed to collect enough raw materials to pass the refining dagger.

The golden sacred weapon has always existed in legends.

Even Emperor Lingtian’s Nine Nether Realms had only a piece of golden feathers in total.

This shows the preciousness of the raw materials for refining gold sacred weapons.

"This time I got a lot of good things from the dragon world. It's not a problem to make a barrier that satisfies me. Let's go."

Di Lingtian said, holding Jun Mohuang volley into the air.

Jun Mohuang took the opportunity to make a request: "Then I want a great gathering of spirits."

"no problem."

Perhaps it was the reason that Di Lingtian ate so full last night, and he simply agreed to Jun Mohuang's request.


In Pingcheng, three thousand miles away from Luoyun City, the Chu family temporarily lived in a branch of the Chu family in the city.

"Great Elder, it has been three days since we crushed the Yongyue Order, why has no one from the Yongyue Sect arrived yet."

"Could it be the people of the Yongyue Sect, and I didn't have time to bother about the fight between our families."

Chu Li and the rest of the Chu family were very disturbed.

They wanted to mobilize masters from other branches of the Chu family to attack, but they thought that the Patriarch of the Chu family was still in the hands of Jun Mohuang.

The Chu family didn't dare to mess around by throwing a rat avoidance device.

Asking Yongyuezong to come forward is the best and fastest choice.

"No, don’t forget the purpose of the Yongyue Sect’s existence. They won’t let this matter go, be patient, etc. The sect of the Everyue Sect is on the edge of the endless black realm, and they receive a signal to send someone over. It won’t be so fast."

The Great Elder trusts Yongyuezong very much.


The Bafang Profound Realm, the Yongyue Sect on the edge of the endless black realm.

Everyone in the clan looked serious, as if something big had happened.

The 4 chapters owed last night, make up, good afternoon everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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