Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1739: Sincerely

Chapter 1739 Sincerely

But they can't rely on Jun Mohuang to save the field every time. She came in time this time, next time, next time?

Their presence should be her support, not a hindrance.

"This matter, your strength is really not high, you should bear part of the responsibility."

"Now that you know your shortcomings, you will work hard to cultivate and become stronger. Self-blame will only increase your psychological burden and will not help the status quo."

"If you feel psychologically uncomfortable, you should remember this feeling so as to motivate yourself, instead of falling into this kind of emotion and being unable to extricate yourself and being swayed by negative emotions."

The five seniors and Feng Yunqi are all in self-blame. If Jun Mohuang blindly said that it was not their fault, it would only make them more self-blaming.

"Boss, we will definitely work hard next time!"

"Little Junior Sister, we will definitely not let you down!"

The five seniors, Feng Yunqi and the other three immediately clenched their fists, their eyes flickering.

"Very good, this time I went to the Heavenly Dragon Realm to bring back a large number of training resources, which can satisfy your determination to become stronger without any restrictions."

Jun Mohuang smiled, took out a space ring, and opened it in front of the eight people.

The water element spirit crystals full of space rings flashed the eyes of all eight people.

A strand of water elemental power actively entered their bodies, and everyone's body was extremely refreshed.

"This... is this the legendary water element spirit crystal?"

The big brother's eyes widened, and he recognized the spar's name based on the floating water element.

"Yes, when everyone gets better, I will use your bloodline transformed by the elemental spirit crystals, and then conduct brutal and inhuman devil training on you."

As Jun Mohuang said, the corner of his lips raised a smirk.

"In this way, everyone doesn't have to blame themselves for not being strong enough."

"It's great, Junior Sister, we all listen to you. We will definitely heal our injuries and strive for a speedy recovery."

"Boss, we all look forward to your brutal devil training."

The five seniors and Feng Yunqi not only did not have any fear, but looked excited.

The water elemental spirit crystal is one of the most suitable water elemental spirit crystals in the legend.

The elemental spirit crystals are very precious, and the water element and wood elemental spirit crystals are the best of the elemental spirit crystals.

The various elements contained in the spar, such as other wind element spiritual crystals and fire element spiritual crystals, can easily conflict with cultivation.

Only the water elemental spirit crystal has no conflict with the wood elemental spirit crystal and can be used by any cultivator.

The water element is responsible for purification, purification, and repair; the wood element spirit crystal is responsible for growth and life.

These two elements are very soft, even the owner of the fire element can use these two elemental spirit crystals to directly cultivate.

Now Jun Mohuang is not actually using elemental spirit crystals for them to cultivate, but to improve their bloodlines!

Improving the bloodline is equal to improving the cultivation talent, how can they not be excited.

As for the brutal and inhuman training of the devil, it is better than just watching and doing nothing when danger occurs.

"Very well, then everyone should rest first, I have work to do."

When leaving the box, Feng Yunqi and others were still extremely excited.

Bringing the boxes, Jun Mohuang's lips smiled, and his mood was very happy.

Her brother, the three little brothers are not very strong.

In this world of cultivation, it's not hard to find a master, but it's hard to find someone who is sincere to her.

(End of this chapter)

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