Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1724: Jun Mohuang's revenge, who will die more ugly 3

Chapter 1724 Jun Mohuang's revenge, who will die more ugly 3

"Jun Mohuang, don't forget, the lives of your senior brother and younger brother are in the hands of the master, you don't want their lives!"

"You came single-handedly, without a helper, you have this strength, you can't beat the owner of the house, don't hurry up and do it!"

The Patriarch of the Chu family grabbed Feng Yunqi's collar, and the threat was already self-evident.

"Oh, I have no help."

Jun Mohuang's red lips curled up and snapped his fingers behind him.

"My dragons, come out."

As soon as Jun Mohuang's words fell, there was a dragon chant in the distance, shaking the eardrums of everyone present.

Real dragons flew out from behind her.

The Chu Family Patriarch, Chu Tang, Yao Xuan, Yuan Ba ​​and others looked at the dragon clan body that suddenly appeared. They were all dumbfounded and completely killed.

What did they see...More than thirty dragons turned into real bodies and flew towards them quickly.

The dragon... wasn't it in the Heavenly Dragon Realm? How could it come to the Bafang Profound Realm and still obey the command of Jun Mohuang.

Many people are suddenly looking at their eyes, wondering if their eyes are broken, that's why they have this illusion.

In this extreme shock, the Chu Family Patriarch completely forgot to fight back or defend.

Jin Ying'er and Yin Ling took the lead and rushed into the Chu Family Patriarch.

The Chu Family Patriarch was captured easily.

The other dragon races all let out a dragon chant in excitement, and soon the other Chu family members turned pale with fright.

But half a minute later, the situation reversed instantly.

The dragons turned into human forms, and firmly bound the Chu Family Patriarch, Chu Tang and the Chu family, as well as Yuanba Yaoxuan and other spiritual Yuanzong people.

At the same time, the ropes of Feng Yunqi and the others were untied, and the group of people were taken to a clearing outside Baiyu City.

"Ahaha, it's really fun, this is the first time this dragon has **** people."

"No, this tie is too loose, Benlong must tie it tighter!"

These dragons had a great time.

"Your Majesty, we are all done!"

Looking at the results they tied up, the dragons expressed their satisfaction.

Without waiting for Jun Mohuang's command, they turned into real bodies and flew over the white jade city, spraying a large amount of water from their mouths to extinguish the fire.

The black wings behind Jun Mohuang shook and flew to the five seniors and Feng Yunqi.

She immediately took out four top-grade water mirror spirit pills and gave them to Feng Yunqi and Mo Yan.

The top grade water mirror spirit pill has the miraculous effect of relieving the poison of time.

The four of them had immediate effect after taking it, and the blackness of their complexion quickly faded.

It is self-evident who poisoned the four of them.

Jun Mohuang's eyes were cold, and he turned to lock Yuanba.

"Hmph, use poison, this technique is good."

She walked away beside Yuanba, and before her instruction, Yin Ling first opened Yuanba's jaw.

Jun Mohuang directly took out a large bottle of black toxin and poured it into Yuanba's mouth.

Yin Ling punched Yuanba's stomach again, and Yuanba couldn't help but swallowed all the black toxin in his mouth.

"You... Jun Mohuang... you really are the real murderer who poisoned Wei'er!"

Yuanba coughed fiercely, shocked and afraid in his heart.

I don't know if he was shocked by Jun Mohuang's helper from the Dragon Clan, or by the Dragon Clan's "Her Majesty", or shocked where Jun Mohuang got his own exclusive poison.

In short, Yuanba was shocked too much, he couldn't explain it clearly.

"Congratulations, I finally knew the truth before I died."

Jun Mohuang sarcastically smiled at Yuanba and walked quickly to the five seniors.

(End of this chapter)

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