Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1722: Jun Mohuang's revenge, who will die more ugly

Chapter 1722 Jun Mohuang's revenge, who will die more ugly

The faces of the four of Feng Yun and Qi Moyan quickly turned gray, showing extremely painful expressions.

Yuanba sneered triumphantly when he saw this.

In order to deal with the people of Jun Mohuang, he deliberately took out all the toxins in his collection and purified them in a large amount, and now he can immediately cause the four people to be extremely poisonous.

But how could Yuanba be willing to lose these four people immediately? He wanted to see the four of them die in pain, and saw Jun Mohuang's pain and grief but was powerless.


Nine Nether World.

In the study room of Emperor Lingtian's bedroom, Jun Mohuang was competing with the books brought back from the dragon clan.

For some reason, she always felt uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen.

Jun Mohuang was about to take out the sound transmission jade talisman and asked about the situation of his uncle Feng Yunqi and the master, the sound transmission jade talisman in his hand began to flash and shine first.

She hurriedly clicked on it with aura and saw a text message from Shi Fengfa.

The above is very clear, Baiyu City has been attacked by unknown persons and has become a sea of ​​flames.

Immediately afterwards, she immediately received Feng Yunqi's voice like a last word.

Jun Mohuang suddenly stood up and teleported to the bedroom.

Use talisman to open the teleportation door in the bedroom, and use the sound transmission talisman to leave a letter to Di Lingtian.

"Ling Tian, ​​something urgent happened in the Bafang Profound Realm, I'm going back, don't be angry, okay."

Then she took out the dragon blood scepter and summoned all the dragons to her side in the special way of the dragons.

In this special way, when the Dragon Emperor encounters an emergency, he can use the power of the Dragon Blood Scepter to immediately summon the nearby dragons within a hundred miles of him.

These dragons were playing in the City of Ten Thousand Demons, when they were suddenly brought to Jun Mohuang's side by the Dragon Blood Scepter, their expressions immediately became extremely serious.

"The Chu family set fire to my city."

Jun Mohuang looked at them and only said a word.

"Your Majesty, hurry up and take us to kill the Chu family!"

Jin Ying'er Yin Ling and others were furious instantly.

Her Majesty, who dares to bully them, is bullying them, no, it is more serious than bullying them!

"Then, let's go."

The corner of Jun Mohuang's lips evoked a wicked and cold smile.

The Chu family dared to touch her, very good!


Bafang Xuanjie, Baiyu City.

Bai Yucheng has been completely burnt to the ground by flames.

The faces of Feng Yunqi and Wu Qianyong, Shifeng and Moxie, have gradually turned black.

The corners of the lips of the four of them kept flowing black bloodshot eyes, their brows were frowned, and the pain was extreme.

"Hmph, it seems that Jun Mohuang is not treating you very well. After half an hour has passed, she hasn't appeared yet."

"Tsk tusk, thanks to the three of you, you just defended her like a dog, where is she now?"

Chu Tang stepped on Wu Qianyong's chest fiercely, with a crazy smile on his face.

"Boss, she won't leave us behind!"

Wu Qianyong glared at Chu Tang.

"Huh, I really won't cry until the coffin."

Chu Tang pressed his feet and immediately stepped on Wu Qianyong's chest to collapse.

"Jun Mohuang, get out quickly, and if you don't get out again, your three little brothers and the patriarch of the Mo clan will immediately be poisoned and die ugly!"

The Patriarch of the Chu family looked around and spoke with aura.

This sentence immediately spread all over the world.

The Heavenly Dragon Realm had cleared the scene more than two months ago and she must have returned to the Bafang Profound Realm.

Sure enough, as soon as the words of the Chu Family Patriarch fell, Jun Mohuang suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Really, then I have to see who is going to die ugly."

(End of this chapter)

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