Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1711: Sweet and helpless

Chapter 1711 is sweet and helpless

After Jun Mohuang answered the questions they asked for advice, he directly gave a jade charm to the refiner and pharmacist.

The two jade charms recorded a series of principles and techniques that they had not yet learned, which she had input into the jade charms on the way back.

"You have mastered the basics very well, and have even begun to draw inferences from one another, thinking about the problems that will arise later."

"Now you don't need to teach me personally, just look at this jade talisman in the back, there are all the things you want to learn in it, and you can ask me if you don't understand."

"Okay, thank you the queen."

Of course the refiners and pharmacists wanted Jun Mohuang to continue teaching them himself.

Thinking that she is now the Dragon Emperor of the Heavenly Dragon Realm, she must have her own business to be busy.

Also... the icy eyes that look at them every time the emperor comes to pick up the queen in person...

In order to save their lives, they should watch it for themselves.

After seeing the refiners and pharmacists, Jun Mohuang walked towards the palace of Emperor Lingtian.

Since going to the Heavenly Dragon Realm to meet Luo Chen this time, Di Lingtian's possessiveness towards her has been infinitely amplified.

At this point, she still soaked for two hours, squeezing Di Lingtian's shoulders and beating her back in various ways, in exchange for pleasing to act like a baby.

Don't go back soon, she has to coax Emperor Lingtian again.

Jun Mohuang was really sweet and helpless to such an Emperor Lingtian.

Along the way, all the demons in the Demon Palace, whether they are servants, guards, or ministers, are very respectful to Jun Mohuang.

The attitude of giving her a courtesy, wishing to offer her to the altar and then put the incense sticks.

Yin Ling followed behind Jun Mohuang, taking the performance of all the demons into his eyes.

He thought very clearly. If only Emperor Lingtian is good to his majesty, and other demons treat her with a bad attitude and dismiss her, their dragon clan will fight hard and will not let Jun Mohuang marry to Jiu Nether. World come.

Of course, if Di Lingtian was willing to enter the Heavenly Dragon Realm, then they would not stop him.

The performance of these demons is still qualified, and now he can be completely relieved.

Jun Mohuang didn't know Yin Ling's inner drama. If she knew, she would have to laugh three times.

Brother, you too underestimate the degree of temptation of the Heavenly Dragon Realm to the demons.

Jun Mohuang and Yin Ling turned a bend, seeing that they were about to reach Emperor Lingtian's palace.

A group of old men with gray hair and beards stopped Jun Mohuang from going.

"Empress, please forgive the arrogance and ignorance of the subordinates at that time!"

As soon as these elders saw her, they couldn't help but plop and kneel down for Jun Mohuang.

"Seniors get up quickly, may I ask you who are you?"

Jun Mohuang was confused by this kneeling.

Many of these demon elders are over a thousand years old.

She had no impression of these old demons.

"Queen of the devil, you must not call us seniors, this is too shameful to your subordinates."

These elders were trembling with fear by Jun Mohuang's "senior" call.

Jun Mohuang called them seniors, wouldn't it be that they were also seniors of the emperor.

The emperor is the largest in the entire Nine Netherworld, who dares to be the senior of the emperor.

The emperor is unhappy, what should I do if I kill them!

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Jun Mohuang was a little helpless.

In the Nine Nether World, could it be said that respecting the old and loving the young is no longer feasible.

"The queen, the subordinates are the rune masters of the devil's rune division. You are so powerful, the queen has the secret to improve the level of the Nine Nether Realm refiners and pharmacists. There must be a way to improve our rune skills. "

(End of this chapter)

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