Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1705: Slanted eyes

Chapter 1705

"My second elder brother is also the blood of the dragon royal family and the second prince of the Heavenly Dragon Realm. He ran away from home for some special reasons since he was a child."

"Brother, he still didn't figure it out. He wasn't convinced that you became the Dragon Emperor, so you went directly to the second brother. I guess I wanted to unite with the second brother and want to **** the dragon blood scepter again with you."

Jin Ying'er was a little nervous and said all the things she had said to Jin Yu at the time.

Especially in the end, she said that she dared to ask Jun Mohuang to give up the Dragon Blood Scepter, and compete with Jin Yu again, and asked Jin Yu if she dared to come again.

It is estimated that her elder brother just heard these words, and his mind was on his mind.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry!"

Jin Ying'er was very afraid that Jun Mohuang would think that she and Jin Yu were not convinced that she would sit in the Dragon Emperor's position, and she estimated that this would stimulate Jin Yu.

The conscience of heaven and earth, at that time she was sure that Jin Yu did not dare to come again.

Who knew that he turned his back and went out of the Heavenly Dragon Realm to find her second brother.

"I am not angry."

Jun Mohuang was a little helpless.

The second elder brother in Jin Ying'er's mouth, the second prince of the Heavenly Dragon Realm, is not the Lord Yinyue who is hiding in the Phoenix Jade space with a turtle shell at the moment.

The second prince had already recognized her as the master, so she had the courage to **** the dragon blood scepter.

What's more, from Jun Mohuang's intuition, Jin Yu might not be simple.

But this matter cannot be told to her yet.

She thought that Jin Yu had gone to find Lord Yinyue, at least she believed that Jin Yu had not disappeared for no reason but was safe.

"Go back and get ready, you're going to leave soon."

"Well, Your Majesty the Queen."

Jin Ying'er believed that Jin Yu was looking for Lord Yinyue, and Jun Mohuang did not blame her for this.

No longer worrying in my heart, I regained a light and happy mood.

Half an hour later, Di Lingtian's black flying boat carried everyone back to the Nine Nether World.

In addition to the people who came on the black flying boat, there were more than 30 dragons.

This makes the demons a novelty.

The two races have not had much contact before, and they are curious about each other.

On the black flying boat, there are also a lot of heavenly treasures from the heavenly dragon world.

The dragon races in the Heavenly Dragon Realm have a high-sightedness, and they don't even look down on the common training resources.

As a result, a large number of spirit crystals, medicinal materials and raw materials for refining in the Heavenly Dragon Realm grow alone in the mountains.

These cultivation resources are very ordinary, the spirit crystals do not have any elemental properties, and the medicinal materials are all spirit plants.

As for the raw materials of the refining tools, the dragons prefer to incarnate their true bodies to fight directly, and simply dismiss the weapons produced by other races.

There is ample aura in the heavenly dragon world, and there are a lot of rare heavenly spirits and earth treasures, not to mention these ordinary cultivation resources.

These cultivation resources are not that no one has been greedy.

But the dragon races don't like other races to go to the heavenly spirit world in order to exploit resources and do a lot of damage, and only trade a small amount with other races.

As a result, there are a lot of ordinary cultivation resources in the heavenly spirit world.

Many space rings of the demons and Mo Xi, Mo Yaxi, Mo Ranchen, etc. could not fit.

Chi Chi and the others directly borrowed the black flying boat from Emperor Lingtian, and put the dug up spirit crystals, refining materials and medicinal materials directly on the black huge boat.

On the way back to the Nine Nether World, a group of people went to the bottom of the pile of cultivation resources to check.

It's not that they are afraid that someone will steal this stuff, but that they feel a sense of satisfaction looking at these cultivation resources.

Seeing that the entire floor of the cabin is full of high-grade spirit crystals, all the demons smiled with slanted eyes and a strange smile on their faces.

Today's update is complete...

I went to the hospital today and I was in a bad mood. There are two more chapters, the old rules, to be added tomorrow.

Let me tell you something. I need to adjust my biological clock and can’t stay up late, so I won’t write again after 23 o’clock every day. Based on 10, how much I owe is the next day’s replenishment, and the next day’s update is calculated separately.

(End of this chapter)

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