Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1695: Wishful thinking

Chapter 1695 Wishful Thinking

During the period, he also asked his father whether there was any way to crack the element level of the Dragon Blood Scepter.

As a result, his father severely reprimanded him.

The element level of the Dragon Blood Scepter is too powerful, even if you think of a cracking method, the Dragon Blood Scepter will increase the difficulty even higher.

So don't want to think of a cracking method is the best choice.

As for Jin Ying'er's last question, he couldn't answer it.

No, it wasn't that he couldn't answer, but the final level of the fire element. He couldn't beat the speed of Jun Mohuang at all.

With his strength, he might be trapped inside for more than two or three hours.

But the pride in Jin Yu's heart prevented him from admitting in front of Jin Ying'er that he was inferior to Jun Mohuang in this regard.

"There is also the so-called contract spiritual body mutation. This incident has increased the difficulty of obtaining the dragon blood scepter for the queen. It is not good luck at all. If it were not for this incident, she would have obtained the dragon blood scepter at that time."

"Brother, look into my eyes and say something seriously. If you are really unwilling, I can help you intercede in front of the queen, so that everyone at the time will fight for the dragon blood scepter again."

Jin Yinger's pale golden eyes looked directly at Jin Yu: "Brother, I dare to do this, but do you really dare to do it again."


Jin Yu's eyes were flustered, and he dared not look directly into his sister's eyes.

He suddenly had nothing to say.

Of course he dare not do it again.

Once again, Jun Mohuang couldn't get the dragon blood scepter nor his turn.

The bloodline power of the **** queen of the heavenly spirit world is strong and domineering, and the element level of the dragon blood scepter is directly closed.

This can only show that this woman's blood level is even higher than that of the dragons.

If Jun Mohuang couldn't get the Dragon Blood Scepter, she would also get it.

He Jin Yu has no hope of winning at all.

The so-called Jun Mohuang is good luck. He had a chance at the time, but it was just his wishful thinking.

Jin Yuhun didn't keep the house, and didn't remember when he left the princess mansion.

When he recovered, it was already the next day.

Jin Yu himself, without knowing what, walked into the dense forest somewhere outside of Tianlong City.

Why did he come here in a daze.

Just as Jin Yu was about to go back, he heard a cheerful noise coming from the dense forest.

The dragons are running routinely under the leadership of Jun Mohuang.

After realizing the double stimulation of their own race's luck and Jun Mohuang's food rewards, the dragon races ran extremely hard today, which is very different from yesterday's lazy appearance.

Jun Mohuang followed the dragons.

It seems that Jun Mohuang is taking the dragons for physical training.

Jin Yu frowned and felt very dissatisfied with her practice.

As the prince of the Heavenly Dragon Realm, he knew nothing more about the habits of the dragon clan.

The dragons are too lazy to get out of the sky, and let them take the initiative to come to the dense forest for physical training, which is more difficult than climbing.

This woman must have used the pressure of the Dragon King to deliberately force these dragons to run.

The dragons are so noble, how can they be so unreasonably oppressed by her.

Jin Yu was about to go out and severely reprimanded Jun Mohuang for such behavior.

But he immediately noticed that all the dragon races had excited faces, happy expressions, and a happy look, and they didn't mean to be forced at all.

A fool could see that these dragons were willing to follow Jun Mohuang to do all this.

This... how is this possible!

This woman actually allowed the Dragon Race to overcome laziness.

(End of this chapter)

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