Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1686: Special effects of golden dragon scales

Chapter 1686 Special effects of golden dragon scales

These three are called the most beautiful and noble men by the people of this world, and they are the ideal husband candidates in the minds of hundreds of millions of girls.

This seems obscure, but it is actually for your own safety.

Exposing information such as your own life experience and name is equivalent to giving others a bargaining chip to hurt and defeat yourself.

The enemy is likely to find the Achilles heel of the Lord of the Mainland in the information of his life experience.

This fatal weakness may be a demon caused by a special experience, or a flaw in the practice.

Either way, exposure to the enemy's hands is very dangerous.

"It's great, there is such a humanized function."

After Jun Mohuang asked how to do it, he immediately used golden scales to erase all relevant information such as her life experience name and true face left by her in the Bafang Profound Realm.

"Ling Tian, ​​what is my name."

After Jun Mohuang finished the operation, he tentatively asked Di Lingtian.

Emperor Lingtian: "Jun Mohuang."

"You didn't forget it, it didn't work."

Jun Mohuang thought it was a problem with his manipulation just now.

Di Lingtian stroked her small face lightly: "Silly girl, you and I have the same aura, sharing aura, how can the hidden function of the golden scales have an effect on me."

"Well, how do I know if it works?"

She almost forgot that Di Lingtian's coffin board was almost used for the spiritual liquid she used to lay the foundation when she was practicing.

His coffin board is the spirit crystal transformed by his aura, that is to say, the aura of Emperor Lingtian flowing in the body of Jun Mohuang.

"In a few minutes, you will know immediately."

Di Lingtian smiled mysteriously, but did not immediately explain.


Bafang Xuanjie, Baiyu City.

Mo Shao is dealing with official duties in the study of the City Lord's Mansion.

His three children followed their precious niece to the Celestial Dragon Realm, and it must have been a great harvest this time.

Hmm...what is his niece's name, and what does it look like?

Mo Xi found that he wanted to break his head, and could no longer remember Jun Mohuang's name and her true face.

He remembered his niece's surname Jun, and the face of Jun Mohuang's change.

This is really strange, he would forget the name of his baby niece.

Mo Shao stopped his official duties, frowned, and did not think of it for three minutes.

Could it be that something happened to his precious niece?

There was absolutely something wrong in Mo Shao's heart. Taking advantage of Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong and Shi Feng, they both were free, calling all three of them over.

"Uncle, you call the three of us, do you have any good news for the boss!"

The eyes of Feng Yunqi's trio were bright, and they all thought they could get news from Jun Mohuang.

After the three of them had gotten acquainted with Mo Shao, they had already started to follow Jun Mohuang as Uncle Mo Shao.

Mo Shao condensed his eyebrows: "No, there is no information from her niece. I suddenly can't remember her name. I want to ask you if the same is true."

"Hi, of course we won't, the boss is called Jun..."

Feng Yunqi was full of confidence. He could follow the boss all the way from Illusion Cloud Nation to Bafang Profound Realm, how could he have forgotten the name of the boss.

Just when he thought he could say Jun Mohuang's name casually, his mind suddenly got stuck.

"Hey, what is the boss calling you, obviously I remember it firmly, how could I forget it."

Feng Yunqi tried his best to think for a long time, but he could only come up with the surname Jun Mohuang.

I can't remember her full name.

Even the experience of Jun Mohuang in the Illusion Cloud Nation, he found that he couldn't recall it.

(End of this chapter)

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