Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1682: Face was beaten and swollen 2

Chapter 1682 Face was beaten and swollen 2

The position of the six people just stood at the center of the three forces.

In an instant, everyone in the hall focused their attention on the six people.

Since they all came out, then it must have been the result of the Dragon Emperor's contest.

The demons looked at Jun Mohuang for the first time, and saw that she was holding a scepter tightly in her hand, with a powerful dragon atmosphere, and they couldn't help but be overjoyed.

But then they began to worry about Jun Mohuang again, what happened, how could the queen be unconscious, her face pale.

The dragons first set their eyes on Jin Yu and Jin Ying'er, and saw that they had nothing with their hands.

Disappointed, he looked at Jun Mohuang.

After seeing the dragon blood scepter in her hand, the eyes of all the dragons of the dragon clan were bright, and their faces were full of joy.

"Queen of God, no, Her Majesty Queen of the Heavenly Dragon Realm, you have finally come out. These demons and dragons don't put you in your eyes at all. Please be sure to teach them a lesson!

"Let these people remember and remember Her Majesty the Queen of Heavenly Dragon Realm, no one can provoke insult!"

When the star clan chief saw the white-clothed girl appear, he didn't care to see Jun Mohuang, Jin Yu and others, and rushed to the white-clothed girl's side for the first time.

I can't wait to let the white-clothed girl immediately use her power to kill all the dragons and demons who have dared to rebel with their intentions.


The girl in white was extremely embarrassed, and couldn't help being angry.

She is not a dragon emperor at all, is the star clan chief's eyes blind, and hasn't seen the dragon blood scepter in Jun Mohuang's hand?

Luo Chen was about to say something to cover up the matter.

Emperor Lingtian took a drop of Jun Mohuang's blood and dropped it on the heart of dragon blood.

The dragon blood scepter in Jun Mohuang's hand flashed red, and a powerful dragon aura spread from the heart of dragon blood, and a golden dragon broke out in the hall.

The golden dragon had an astonishing aura and let out a dragon chant, which shook everyone's eardrums and numb.

The golden dragon swam twice in the main hall, turning into a golden light, and entering the center of Jun Mohuang's brows.

A feather-like black energy appeared between Jun Mohuang's eyebrows, and then the black energy disappeared and was replaced by a golden scale.

This golden scale, like a golden diamond, emits a sparkling brilliance, which is thousands of times dazzling than Jin Yu's real body.

The golden scales gleamed between Jun Mohuang's forehead, and her whole body exuded a powerful dragon breath from the inside out.

The feather-like black air between Jun Mohuang's forehead only flashed away, but Luo Chen keenly caught it.

The black, feather-like black air made him feel familiar inexplicably. He always felt that he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

"Your Majesty the Queen!"

In the hall, all the dragons were more excited when they saw this golden scale.

Without thinking about it, they immediately knelt down to Jun Mohuang respectfully.

The dragon blood scepter representing the dragon emperor of the dragon clan, and the golden scale marks all appeared, and the identity of the Emperor Mohuang no longer needs to be doubted.

At the moment she began to see her holding the dragon blood scepter, the dragons subconsciously rejected Jun Mohuang as the Dragon Emperor.

But when he thought of the food made by Jun Mohuang and her obligation to become the Dragon Queen, she immediately accepted it with pleasure.

Their psychology is exactly the same as Jin Ying'er.

The food made by the master is delicious and the character is good, and he will definitely keep the promise of the Dragon King.

(End of this chapter)

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