Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1676: Space dominance

Chapter 1676 Space Master

The sound of the wind passed by, and there were no foreign objects in Jun Mohuang's eyes, only the girl in white clothes and the dragon blood scepter in front.

At this time, the girl in white was only 500 meters away from the Dragon Blood Scepter.

When she noticed Jun Mohuang's sudden acceleration, and her speed was not weaker than her own, her eyes were full of shock.

How could it be possible that she could rely on the supreme bloodline that surpassed everyone so quickly.

How could Jun Mohuang, an ordinary human race, have such a fast speed.

The girl in white was relieved immediately.

Humph, if she is lucky, what if she has such a fast speed.

She will immediately enter the fire element level, so that regardless of rushing in, the fire element level of the dragon blood scepter will burn her to the ground.

She seemed to have seen the end of Jun Mohuang's ashes.

This ending, for a **** like her, couldn't be better.

The white-clothed girl was eager to see Jun Mohuang's self-destruction, but stopped five hundred meters away from the Dragon Blood Scepter, preparing to see Jun Mohuang being burned to death, and it was never too late to take it.

Anyway, she is now the master of this space, and the Dragon Blood Scepter has been locked by her in advance, and even Di Lingtian cannot **** it from her.

The white-clothed girl thought in her heart, and she saw the fire blazing from behind, raising a sea of ​​flames.

Countless flames enveloped Jun Mohuang's entire body.

The happiness in the white-clothed girl's heart lasted less than half a second, and she saw Jun Mohuang rush out of the fire.

Not to mention that she was burned to ashes by the sea of ​​flames, she was completely unscathed!

Jun Mohuang was like a cannonball, and in the blink of an eye, he flew past the girl in white and left her behind.

Her stern eyes crossed the surprised face of the girl in white, and a hint of irony rose on her lips.

"Do not!"

When the girl in white completely recovered, she was left behind by Jun Mohuang.

She immediately increased her speed to the maximum, but she still couldn't stop Jun Mohuang from approaching the Dragon Blood Staff infinitely.

At this time, the Dragon Blood Scepter was already less than one meter in front of Jun Mohuang's eyes.

She licked her lips, reached out her hand, and she was about to take the Dragon Blood Scepter into her hand.

When the palm of her hand was only ten centimeters away from the scepter, the water droplets on the two leaves of the cultivation method tree A Miao suddenly flicked in the Phoenix jade space, and flew out of the Phoenix jade space.

One second before Jun Mohuang's hand took the dragon blood scepter, he flew into the heart of dragon blood.

The blood-colored light in the heart of Dragon Blood shook greatly, directly shaking Jun Mohuang to ten meters away.

The girl in white was overjoyed. She didn't understand why this change happened. All she knew was that Jun Mohuang did not succeed. God is really helping her!

The girl in white immediately flew to the side of the dragon blood scepter, trying to catch it.

But her result was exactly the same as Jun Mohuang, before she was caught, she was shaken by the red light from the heart of dragon blood.

"What exactly is going on!"

The girl in white was furious.

It is clear that her blood is the most noble, and it is not a problem at all to take a dragon blood scepter.

Why does the Dragon Blood Scepter exclude her abnormally? This is totally unreasonable!

"It must be your ghost!"

The white-clothed girl was furious, and roared at Jun Mohuang.

This bitch, for fear of seeing her succeed, she must have moved his hands and feet just now.

It is a pity that her bloodline power is now on, and her body is extremely weak, unable to make any attacks.

Otherwise, she would definitely seize this opportunity to kill Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang pursed his lips, staring closely at the heart of dragon blood, thinking quickly about what was going on in his mind, and didn't hear her at all.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you son Cheng Jiao, CMF and other babies for their rewards.

One chapter owed, old rules, make up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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