Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1666: She was wronged

Chapter 1666 She was wronged

On the spar screen, the figures of the girl in white and Jun Mohuang were clearly displayed.

Luo Chen clearly saw that Jun Mohuang didn't do anything. The girl in white took the initiative to take a step back and almost fell when she stepped on the gravel.

However, the girl in white said that Jun Mohuang was angry and actively pushed her.

It turned out that she was wronged.

It turned out that she went to Di Lingtian as soon as the incident happened, but because she was wronged, she wanted to ask for help.

Her phrase "I am so behaved, how could I get into trouble" turned out to be really refuting herself.

As for himself, his first reaction was to distrust her, and severely asked her to apologize to the girl in white.

In this matter, he completely lost the opportunity to win the favor of Jun Mohuang, and completely became an accomplice, making her hate him even more.

"Huang'er, how are you..."

Thinking of this, Luo Chen let go of the girl in his arms and looked at her with dark eyes.

Luo Chen didn't have time to say anything, the tears of the white-clothed girl gushing out like no money.

"Brother Chen, I didn’t intend to do this on purpose. I really hate her. Brother Ling Tian has all kinds of bad words to me. I just want Brother Chen to get justice for me and let her give me a way. An apology, and no other meaning."

"Brother Chen, do you think it's my fault even if you start to look at that woman?"

"Both of you are facing outsiders. I knew... I wouldn't survive if I knew it, and let me die completely back then..."

The girl in white had tears in her eyes, and she cried with tears.

The crystal clear tears swept across her white cheeks, which could arouse the infinite love and compassion of all men.

"Huang'er, don't talk nonsense!"

Luo Chen thought of the past, his heart twisted like a knife.

He held the girl in white tightly in his arms and kissed the teardrops on her face.

She said this kind of angrily, it is conceivable that she was sad to the extreme.

How could it be her fault, what if she was the Jun Mohuang who deliberately framed her.

In this world, there is no reason why she wants to kill or die.

Jun Mohuang is not completely innocent.

There was a shadow stone in her hand, but she deliberately dragged it to the end.

This woman, she was deliberate, she wanted to cause a conflict between the two, she was not at ease at all.

"Huang'er, you hate her. If you want to get rid of her, the means should not be too simple and obvious."

Luo Chen hugged the white-clothed girl and kept calming her with soft words.

"Brother Chen, you... do you agree that I move her?"

The white-clothed girl stopped crying, surprised with joy.

Sure enough, hahaha, this face is really different.

"Of course, Huang'er, you are the future **** queen of this lord, she is just an insignificant outsider, of course you can bully her at will."

"But... but I don't know this."

The white-clothed girl pretended that she didn't understand anything on the surface, and her heart had begun to become active, and she began to think of countless ways to teach Jun Mohuang.

"It doesn't matter, I can teach you at that time."

When Luo Chen saw her burst into laughter, his mood improved.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter if the girl in white takes a shot against Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang's character is too perverse, so she needs to be cured, let her suffer a few more times, and be more obedient.


In Emperor Lingtian's arms, Jun Mohuang kept smiling.

Thinking of the quarrel between the two of them after seeing the scene of the shadow stone in Luo Chen's hand, Jun Mohuang couldn't help his lips rising, completely unable to control it.

(End of this chapter)

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