Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1664: Meddle countless times

Chapter 1664 meddles countless times

The girl in white wanted to say something to anger Jun Mohuang, but she actually didn't know the specific things.

In order to prevent the horse's feet from being exposed, of course nothing can be said.

"I thought you could come up with something violent, just a few words like that, so I'm embarrassed to say it."

Not getting the answer he wanted, Jun Mohuang was disappointed.

"You... the surname Jun, I will tell you that Brother Ling Tian is very noble, and you can't get involved. Those who know you should leave her quickly."

The white-clothed girl didn't work at all when she saw her own words, but she was disgusted by her, so she didn't get angry and just removed her disguise.

"Then who can intervene with Ling Tian, ​​can you? He kept saying that he had a very good relationship with him in the past. He regarded you as more important than his life. When he turned his back, he betrayed him. With Luo Chen, you simply Not qualified to say such things."

"Compared to you who betrayed him without hesitation, I loved Ling Tian from beginning to end. Why can't I get involved with him."

Jun Mohuang was unmoved by the threat of the white girl.

There was a smug smile on her lips, her tone and demeanor were full of show off.

"Also, Ling Tian has already been tainted by me, you know, he has a very good taste, it makes people addicted to it when touched. I will never let him go in my life, I will meddle him countless times ."

" shameless."

The girl in white blushed leisurely.

She was so embarrassed to talk about this kind of thing, she was really a **** who hooked up with a man.

The girl in white looked behind Jun Mohuang through.

Di Lingtian and Luo Chen had already killed the last monster, and they were coming to the top of the mountain at an extremely fast speed.

The white-clothed girl's eyes turned slightly, and a plan suddenly appeared in her heart.

She suddenly took a step backwards, stepped on a gravel under her feet, swayed and lost her balance, and instantly fell down the valley.

The angle and strength of the fall were all pushed by Jun Mohuang.


When Luo Chen first came to the top of the mountain, what he saw was such a thrilling scene.

He rushed to the white-clothed girl's side at the fastest speed and hugged her.

"Ling Tian, ​​I miss you so much."

When Jun Mohuang turned around, he saw that Emperor Lingtian was already close at hand.

She ignored these two people, and went out of the enchantment and threw herself into Di Lingtian's arms.

"Naughty, didn't it tell you not to leave the barrier?"

Seeing her sticking to him so much, Di Lingtian was happy, and couldn't help squeezing her face.

"Didn't you come back? No matter what happens, Ling Tian will protect me."

Jun Mohuang slapped his hand and kissed his face on tiptoe.

"Let's talk, what's wrong with you again."

Di Lingtian glanced at Luo Chen and the white-clothed girl, and understood the outline in his heart.

Jun Mohuang: "I'm so good, what can I do?"

The girl in white saw the series of actions by Jun Mohuang, her little popularity trembled.

This **** took the initiative to give Di Lingtian a gift, and he didn't want to fool this matter.

She didn't even think about it.

The girl in white pretended to be extremely weak and leaned in Luo Chen's arms.

"what is the problem."

Luo Chen glanced at the girl in white pity, and then stared at Jun Mohuang with suspicion.

She doesn't like Huang'er, and has always been hostile to Huang'er.

She had done this deliberately to Di Lingtian just now, it must be her.

(End of this chapter)

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