Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1662: Exit directly

Chapter 1662 exits directly

As soon as they came to the shore, Di Lingtian and Jun Mohuang saw a stone monument standing in the grass at the same time.

There are three big **** characters "Sixth Pass" on it.

"This means that after crossing the lake, we will pass the fifth level, and then continue to move forward to the seventh level?"

Jun Mohuang looked at this stone tablet thoughtfully.

As soon as her words fell, Luo Chen took the girl in white and walked ashore.

After the four set foot on the shore, the water behind them disappeared and turned into a spatial fault.

"It seems so."

Emperor Lingtian agreed with Jun Mohuang's statement.

The water disappeared behind him, and a group of four had to be forced to move forward.

At this time, it was getting late.

After five and a half hours of crazy use of mental power, even if there is a pill to replenish mental power, it is very tired.

Di Lingtian and Luo Chen both looked at each other and bored, Jun Mohuang and the girl in white hated each other, and neither planned to rest together.

The girl in white had never forgotten Di Lingtian, but seeing that Luo Chen didn't mean it at all, she had to shut up.


At night, before a bonfire.

Jun Mohuang leaned against Emperor Lingtian's arms, his expression was depressed, and his mood was not very good.

Di Lingtian stroked her long hair, and asked softly, "Sorrying those four firearms?"

"Yeah, I have just four of them. I originally planned to send Ling Tian to the army to deal with the heavenly spirit world."

After five and a half hours of high-intensity use, the four heavy machine guns never stopped for even one second.

Jin Zhijing is extremely hard, and it will consume too much of the barrel for a long time.

After Cheng reached the shore, Jun Mohuang found that they were similar to being abandoned.

Hot weapons like guns are not part of this world after all.

Restricted by the rules of heaven, neither she nor Di Lingtian could refine a gun.

One less thing was used for this thing, and two of them were scrapped by Luo Chen and the girl in white, Jun Mohuang felt particularly depressed.

Di Lingtian's tone was gentle: "This kind of thing, just follow the fate."

"Well, but let me choose again, I will still do it."

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand to grab a strand of Di Lingtian's black hair, and took it into his hand to play slowly.

If she doesn't do this, Di Lingtian also has a way to cross the lake safely.

It's just that under the limitations of strength, talismanic and other aspects, his methods are almost always at the expense of burning strength.

His strength had not returned to the peak, Jun Mohuang was reluctant to burn his strength again.

Only four heavy machine guns, the loss is lost, and the Di Ling genius is the most important.

"Is it just this? Those two people who upset you are the main reason."

Di Lingtian's eyes were gentle, and the slender jade fingers combed her long hair.

"Hey, Ling Tian, ​​I can't hide anything from you."

Di Lingtian was right at all.

If it weren't for that weird lake surface, it would inexplicably limit the effectiveness of the jade talisman and limit the talisman ability of Emperor Lingtian.

As a result, he can't even summon his travel palace now, and the two of them can only burn wildfire here.

At that time, she directly used the puppet avatar to get two of her out by herself, and drove the boat with Di Lingtian across the water.

It's great to not have Luo Chen and the girl in white.

When it came to traveling with these two people, Jun Mohuang felt irritable when he thought of it, and now he still feels nauseous of eating flies.

"Ling Tian, ​​if we still have to be with those two people in the sixth pass, we just quit, OK?"

(End of this chapter)

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